mandalas meh

Páginas: 3 (650 palabras) Publicado: 10 de septiembre de 2013

Trabajo de investigación

Nombres: & Jorge T.
Curso: 3º Medio “D”Materia: Ingles
Profesor: Marcelo Soto

A Trip to theNew World
During the five-years voyage, Darwin carefully examined living thing at sea and on land, and also rocks and corals. He collected thousand of specimens. He posted parcel of insect, plant andfossils from every port at which the beagle stopped.
He caugth sea animals in a large cloth bag hanging from the back of the ship on st.Jago he discovered a line of White rock made of Shell andcorals. In Brazil ,Darwin spend three months studying the strange animals and abundant vegetation of the tropical forest. He found fossil bones of extinct animals, In tierra del fuego he found primitiveindian.
The bird, tortoises and lizards from Galápagos Islands amazed him Darwin saw that each island had different species but almost the were from the same family
Five years old voyage:cinco años de viaje
Fossil bones: huesos fósiles
Made of tropical: hecho en los bosques tropicales
Turtoises: tortugas
Sea animals: animales de mar
Cloth bag: bolso de tela
Each: cada unoVerbos regulares
Examined: examinar
Colected: colectar
Posted: publicar
Stopped: detener
Discovered: descubrir
Caugth: atrapar
Made: construir, hecho
Spend: gastar, emplear
Found: encontrar

Traducción al Español:
Un Viaje al nuevo continente...
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