Manual de inteligencia policial

Páginas: 2 (346 palabras) Publicado: 10 de octubre de 2010
There is a relationship between the aspirations and objectives that every adolescent is intended for their future and their behavior in situations of risk for their existence. Some, with higherexpectations, develop protective attitudes that prevent them from circumventing the risks.
Organize life allows us to focus more clearly the possibilities within a real framework, so that their behaviorsare projected into the future. Decision making, assertiveness, values and self-esteem, are elements which, if incorporated into the structure of psycho-social teenager, encourage you to conceptualizethe degree of ambition and their ability to comply.
Live fully and properly reach the end of life satisfaction with what has been done, so obtained, is one of the main goals of human beings andlife is going in that attempt. While most things are planned in advance, the greater the chance of realizing the objectives.
Although I'm not sure even that career choice that I do professionally and Iwill exercise my career I'm getting married and having two children and do everything possible to meet all my goals. You may choose engineering as a profession but it is not safe. I hope to graduatewith good results and move in a very good school as is the national or the engineering school.
It should set specific and consistent. Making everything an excellent opportunity for learning andself-knowledge. Motivation is the key to success every day.
Proper self-esteem is associated with recognition of virtues, qualities and defects and a greater awareness of the possibilities andlimitations to fight and achieve better living conditions. During adolescence, self-esteem is weakened by several factors, such a body image is changing and causing the confusion of roles. The young, theadolescent feels the need for independence to be recognized and above all, to seek their own identity. Create time in your ability to achieve, but also take responsibility and commitment that needs our...
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