Mejor Imposible

Páginas: 2 (341 palabras) Publicado: 12 de noviembre de 2012
1-Present: I drink a cup of coffee.
A cup of coffe is drunk.
2-Past: I drank a whisky.
A whisky was drunk.
3-Future: I will drink acoke.
A coke will be drunk.
4-Present perfect: I have eaten fish.
Fish has been eaten.
5-Present continuous: He is eating asandwich.
A sandwich is being eaten.
a)Archeologist always discover golden coins = Golden coins are discovered..
b)They will finished theirhomework by 10 = The homework will be finished..
c)Your cat has eaten my pet mouse = My pet mouse has been eaten by your cat.
d)The whole class wrote the play = The play were wroten by thewhole class.
e)Mother is cooking lunch = Lunch is being cooked by Mother.

1-Were where you born?
2-When were you born? (of) adelante de fecha.
3-What do you usually do?
4-What doesyour father do in the afternoon?
5-What is your mother doing at the moment?
6-All day long= a lo largo de todo el dia.
7-What had you done when your father came?
8-What will you do if you winthe lotery?
9-What would you do if you bought an extremelly expensive car?
10-Go for arrive= dar una vueltita.
11-Polish= lustrar.
12-Insurance= seguro.
13-What would you give to yourboyfriend if it was his birthday?
14-Wide= ancho Narrow= angosto.
15-How much did it cost?
16-How much had you house cost?
17-How many students were their yesterday night?
18-Strike= huelga19-Not much-Not many
21-Tags.(will,there es/are,lets go!,shall we? , I am a good person, a' n' t I?
22-Casa= Perhaps the family don't live there,maybe they come here in the weekends.23-Lago con nieve= I went there.
24-Cart= carro.
25-"Introduce your self"= contar acerca de ti (edad,name,country,surname,school,activities,510 bv.concordia street,city,there,pet)
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