Metodología De La Enseñanza

Páginas: 7 (1675 palabras) Publicado: 22 de noviembre de 2012
Before talk about methodology in a specific way, I would like to mention some points that could be important involved with language teaching.
First of all, we have Linguistic Principles which means to have a clear idea about what this language means to us, and why are we going to teach it. There are psycholinguistic principles (pedagogic / teaching) as well. These principles presentus how we are going to teach this language.
Secondly, we have to be aware what the students really need to learn and what they need to review. After that, we will realize how we are going to do to teach, what materials we are going to use, what kind of approaches we are going to carry out, and finally what kind of activities we are going to provide to the students and how I would like to theydo this exercises and activities. This is what we know as methodology.
What methodology is?
An interesting point to comment could be where the term “methodology” comes from. After looking some information about methodology we found that this term comes from Greek μετη metà "más allá"(beyond),οδως odòs "camino" (way) and λογοςlogos "estudio" (study).
When we talk about methodology of teachingof second/foreign language ( English, in this case) we are talking about a group of procedures, in which practice and theory are fully connected, used to achieve a number of objectives and goals. The methodology involves from how we are going to teach that language, to how are we going to evaluate the students.
The methodology of teaching has suffered several changes throughout its existence. Itwas in 70s when we can say that the methodology suffered a huge development thanks to Communicative Language Teaching, a new approach which is not just teaching a language, it will carry out with a purpose, the COMUNICATION.
Before 70s it worked with others approaches like Audiolingualism. This method was based on repetition, takes the students as they were machines.
Linked to this new approachCommunicative Language Teaching there is the theory known as Cognitivism. This theory is a new way to explain how the students learn. They learn THINKING. The students as human being they have the ability of think. Learner needs to understand and think in order to learn. To understand is an important point of learning/teaching, because that’s mean the students are able to connect the informationyou give them.

What approach(es) will be applied
In our opinion one of the most important thing is make them ( the students) feel motivated and self-confident. It is a main issue they don’t feel shame or ridicule. As well as create a pleasant and relaxed work environment to promote students’ imagination and a good relationship teacher-student.
The variety of students/learners in a classroomplay an important role over the approach carried out, that means that you have to introduce variation in your lesson, as teacher. We have always to keep in mind that students are the most important thing on the class and would be fine to make them able to learn by themselves -> AUTHONOMY.
The approach carried out will be based on communication, maybe because Communicative Language Teaching is oneof the most recent and innovative of recent years.
What I want to teach them is not contents based on its rules like grammar or vocabulary, is giving them tools to make them able and competent in order to a correct use of the language.
The lessons would be more communicative where the students should interact and participate during the lecture. If they have any problem at the time of expressingor talking about something, we will try to work on NEGOTATION OF MEANING. That means the use of different words or sentences to explain the same idea with the purpose of being understood.
Summarising, the use of this approach in lectures during a course, just has a final aim, to be communicatively competent.
Types of activities
What we want to achieve at the end of the course, is make the...
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