Modelo Hoja De Vida

Páginas: 2 (493 palabras) Publicado: 20 de febrero de 2013
Every day, I think about being a very successful person. In my opinion, success is granted only to those who really desire to be successful. This is one of the main reasons why I believe I should beawarded an out of state tuition waiver.
Right now, I am working as an English teacher in a dangerous neighborhood in Bogota called Bilbao. I have realized, working there, that if I want to become abetter person in everything I do, I must study a college career so I can improve my quality of life. Working with underprivileged kids has taught me many different and great things. One of the mostimportant things is that these kids at such a young age have learned to value the little things in their lives, but other kids just want to follow their parents’ lives and keep living an underprivilegedlife. Seeing these things has made me want to become more successful day by day. When I have my family, I wouldn’t want to see them suffer. I would like for them to experience good things in life justlike I did with my hard working parents. I am searching for an opportunity to become a better person. This is why I write to you. I haven’t been able to pay a good college here to start a career andnow that I have the opportunity to be sponsored to study I would like to be accepted into Armstrong Atlantic State University to fulfill my dreams and to show the high expectations people are waitingto get from me.
At the age of twenty, I feel and consider myself to be a very responsible and hard working person. Family, to me, is the most important thing in life. My parents have taught me to beindependent in everything I do and to work hard in life to obtain whatever I want. Following their steps has made me the person I am today. Their advice has helped me in my job very much. I feel goodin what I do. I don’t only teach kids in the mornings, I also teach adults at night in an English academy called Praxis Language School. Working with older people has also showed me that I have to...
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