My day
I wake up at eighty o´clock in the morning, I get dressed and I eat my breakfast and I comb my hair. Then I put my shoes and I go walking to school, at nine o´clock we go up to the class.We put down the chairs and we set down. We have two classes before eleven o´clock that we go to the playground, we listen to the teacher but when the bell rings we all get our snack and we put in aline in front of the door. And we go to the playground; we play a lot of games jump the rope……
Tile eleven thirty to one thirty on the mid-day we have two more classes then we go to eat. We listen tothe teacher and we do the work that she seed, then we change the class maybe English. Sometimes we sing songs or we listen C.D maybe to do an exercise from the book or maybe to practice song ofFrench, Spanish……… Or maybe we go to the gym to do P.E physical education with Don Federico we do many things with he we do races with hands or we jump to a mat. In Spanish class Eva sometimes we rid orwe do work Eva is a very god teacher and very nice on Thursday we always rid now when the bell rings we go to eat.
When we finish eating we all go to the playground, all the boys and girls areplaying a lot of games the bigger boys go to eat wen we are in the playground. When the bell of the playground rings we go to the line when teachers come they, always see if we are in a correct line. Thenwe go to the class we get the book and everybody sits on our place, we have three classes after having playground then we opened the books to get to study at the time the teacher begins to explainthe lesson. When she finished to explain the lesson individually we do the home work, sometimes correct the exercises on the blackboard. Between classes we start talking, while we are waiting for theteacher.
When I left the school at 5 pm I'm and Julia go talking about subjects or studies and tests, walking in the park, first Julia go home and I took a while longer to get to mine. When I come...
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