Nueva Zelanda (Ingles)

Páginas: 5 (1060 palabras) Publicado: 6 de marzo de 2013

The culture of New Zealand is a fusion of culture Maori and from the descendants of the settlers British , of which most were working class .
78% of New Zealanders are of European descent, 13% are native Maori and 5% is made ​​up of Polynesian Pacific Islanders. Además, un 1.3% es chino y un 1% indio. In addition, 1.3% is Chineseand 1% Indian. Actualmente, la población occidental tiende a decrecer, mientras que ganan peso demográfico el resto de las razas. Currently, the western population tends to decrease while the rest earn demographic weight of the races. Aunque durante los últimos años las inmigraciones habían disminuido debido a las duras condiciones económicas, estos días Nueva Zelanda recibe nuevas oleadas deinmigración, especialmente desde Asia y las islas de la Polinesia. Although in recent years immigration had declined due to the harsh economic conditions, these days New Zealand receives new waves of immigration, especially from Asia and the islands of Polynesia.
The Maori language was brought to New Zealand by Polynesians presumed to be living in the area of Tahiti , probably arrived in canoesdoubles. Hacia 2004, el uso de muchos de los dialectos menores habían disminuido casi hasta la extinción, los estudiantes más nuevos y los hablantes tradicionales utilizaban los estándares oficiales o el maorí de Televisión. By 2004, the use of many minor dialects had declined almost to extinction, the newer students and traditional speakers used the official standards, Maori Television. Sin embargo,las variantes regionales están todavía presentes en difirentes sitios Web y hasta entre hablantes y subtituladores de la Televisión maorí.
The analysis of Maori music can follow the evolution of Polynesian music, it seems that New Zealand has retained the purest tradition. El canto épico conmemorativo y narrativo, y el canto que acompaña la danza son las dos principales manifestaciones de lamúsica popular neozelandesa. The memorial and narrative epic song and the song that accompanies the dance are the two main manifestations of popular music in New Zealand. Es pobre la tradición instrumental: se conocen algunos tipos de flauta, denominados putorino y koauau. Instrumental tradition is poor: some types are known flute, called putorino and koauau. Se emplean tambores, pero no para marcar elritmo de la danza, sino como medio de comunicación entre lugares lejanos. Drums are used, but not to mark the rhythm of the dance, but as a means of communication between distant places. El baile nacional, la haka, se marca con palmas y golpeando el suelo con los pies. The national dance, the haka, it is marked with clapping and stamping their feet.
Haka is a term used to define any dance tribalMaori , but this name usually refers specifically to Maori tribal war dance. No obstante, se suele utilizar como danza de bienvenida y es signo de hospitalidad. However, dance is often used as a sign of welcome and hospitality.
New Zealand's most popular sports are rugby union, soccer, cricket, and netball (the top ranking female sport by participation); golf, tennis, rowing and a varietyof water sports, particularly sailing. Snow sports such as skiing and snowboarding are also popular. Equestrian sports are highly popular especially with women and participation numbers begin to overhaul rugby and other contact sports in older age groups.
Rugby union is popular across all sections of New Zealand society and many New Zealanders associate it with their national identity. It has thelargest spectator following of all sports in New Zealand. Given its wide following, Rugby union may be said to take the place occupied by soccer in most other countries.
New Zealand's national rugby team, the All Blacks, has the best winning record of any national team in the world. The All Blacks traditionally perform a haka—a traditional Ma-ori challenge—at the start of international...
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