Obra Casa De La Muñecas

Páginas: 13 (3098 palabras) Publicado: 13 de diciembre de 2012

I was, I would be very famous. Everyone in Ecuador would know who I was. I would have a lot of power and I would be responsible for the country. I would be very busy and I would have to travel often to represent the people of Ecuador: I would have a lot of money and live in a palace with my family, solutions to big problems and make verydifficult decisions.

If I was, I would be famous. I would be very beautiful and wear lovely clothes, but I would be very lovely clothes, but I would have to look good all the time. I would also have to work long hours like opening important events in different parts of the country doing things and rasing money for foundations and institutions to help people in need. If I wasthis person, I would enter a competition with lots of other attractive women from other countries in the world. I would only hold my title for one year.


Yo era, yo sería muy famoso. Todos en Ecuador sabríamos quién yo era. Yo tendría mucho poder y yo sería responsable para el país. Yo estaría muy ocupado y yotendría que viajar a menudo para representar a las personas de Ecuador: Yo tendría mucho dinero y viviría en un palacio con mi familia, soluciones a los problemas grandes y hechura las decisiones muy difíciles.

Si yo fuera, yo sería famoso. Yo sería muy bonito y uso la ropa encantadora, pero yo sería la ropa muy encantadora, pero yo tendría que parecer bueno todo el tiempo. Yotambién tendría que trabajar las horas largas como la apertura los eventos importantes en las partes diferentes de las cosas haciendo rurales y dinero del rasing para las fundaciones e instituciones para ayudar a las personas en la necesidad. Si yo fuera esta persona, yo entraría en una competición con las muchas otras mujeres atractivas de otros países en el mundo. Yo sostendría solo mititular durante un año.


I: this is GFR radio. Good morning, everybody. It’s time for our regular spot: What do the people say? Today we are here on Amazonas Avenue in Quito and this week’s burning issue is Is a woman’s place in the home?
Ah, excuse me, madam. Could we ask you a question?

P1: well, OK, but I’m in a bit of a hurry.

I:we’ll make it quick. Do you think that woman’s place is in the home?

P1: (Laughs). No, not at all. I’m a professional person. I studied hard to get where I am today. I’m the manager of a big company. I think women should have the same job opportunities as men…. Sorry, I have to go now. I’ve got a meeting.

I: oh, well, thank you very much. Ah, let’s ask this gentleman. Excuse me,sir, can we ask you a questions?

P2: yes?

I: could you tell us if you think a woman’s place is in the home

P2: Erm…no, not only in the home. No I don’t think so. Not any more, at least.

I: why not?

P2: well, because of the economic problems in this country both man and women need to work, don’t they? Especially if they have children. Usually the husband and the wife bothhave to work to support their family.

I: O.K. thank you opinion, Sir. Ah… could I just stop you for a moment, madam, Madam? Would you mind answering a question?

P3: (a bit bad- tempered) about what?

I: we’re doing some interviews for the national radio.

P3: (happy and proud) Ooooh!. The national radio.

I: yes. We’d like to know if you think that a woman’s place in the home.P3: yes! Of course it is! I don´t know what the world is coming to. When I was young, women stayed at home and men went to work and that’s the way it should be. There is not enough work for men now, because women are taking all the

I: do you think so?
Today! They go home to an empty house. And that’s why have so many
Delinquents. Too many children on the stree. And I...
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