Obra: reflekta

Páginas: 2 (450 palabras) Publicado: 13 de septiembre de 2012
"Your life as seen from your mirror"
It is a contrast of emotions. I must say that I did not like: I enchant myself. Seriously, never I thought that went to like so much, is the perfectdefinition through which all we happened sometimes, when we did not find the reason to live, until you find it: yourself.
Treated to near how the adolescents see all the bad one that they have andthey try to clear his virtues, try to become damage in all the possible forms, without realizing of which what they want to change is most beautiful than they have…
This work is a trip to thecenter of one same one that it invites to us to know us and to love to us so as we are. “Reflekta” shows the self-esteem, familiar union, creativity, and mainly the love to one same one, the family andfor God.
Most important it is the message that it transmits and it is perhaps that the life has many stones throughout the way, but the important thing is: Life is one mountain but the view is great.All we have problems but always, after the storm, there is a very beautiful sky.
I have nothing more to add more than: “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers toturn on the light”.

“tu vida vista desde tu espejo”
Todo un contraste de emociones. Debo decir que no me gustó: me encanto. Enserio, jamás pensé que me fuese a gustar tanto, es laperfecta definición por la cual todos pasamos alguna vez, cuando no encontramos la razón para vivir, hasta que la encuentras: tú mismo.
La obra trató a cerca de cómo los adolescentes ven todo lo malo quetienen y tratan de quitar sus virtudes, tratan de hacerse daño en todas las formas posibles, sin darse cuenta de que lo que quieren cambiar es lo más hermoso que tienen… Esta obra es un viaje alcentro de uno mismo, que nos invita a conocernos y amarnos tal cual somos. 'Reflekta' muestra la autoestima, unión familiar, creatividad, y sobre todo el amor a uno mismo, a la familia y por Dios....
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