Octavio paz
There are about 60.3 million married couples in the United States according to theUS Census Bureau; all these couples are distinctive in numerous ways. In order to get some type of sense of the differences lets take a closer look at two couples.
“Francine”, 52 years old and“Henry”, 55 years old have been married for over 28 years and have two kids. Their two children are of the ages 22 and 25 years old. When it came down to details about their marriage and the way thingsworking out at home it seemed reasonably fair. Upon asking about the division of household labor both couples answered with the same response. There wasn’t any division when it came to the householdlabors. It all depended on each of his or her schedules to determine what responsibility was assigned to each individual. Francine and Henry each have an open slot during their week and each person takes aresponsibility. In other words they enjoy working as a team and splitting up the chores around the house.
“Child bearing was a new experience and a difficult one”, as spoken by Francine....
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