
Páginas: 2 (271 palabras) Publicado: 6 de noviembre de 2012
1. SELECT A TOPIC: Firstly after realize own research we need to select a topic these need to be a good topic, also select a topic whit manyinformation because if we select a topic that have many information is more easy realize the research.(don´t exceed with your information)
2. FIND THE INFORMATION:it´s search the information use different materials like: books, internet, magazines, news, etc. Is very important that you add the references from all youinformation.
3. BIBLIOGRAPHIC CARDS: These are just for make note from there you obtain the information.
4. NOTES CARD: in these step you can use notes cardfor make note from the materials that you get the information (resume). You can to add the most important about the topic.
5. PREPARATE AN SQUEMA: Well tocontinue whit you research you need to organize you information to do it easier can use titles, subtitles, etc.
6. MAKE AN ERASER: Here you going to do aeraser from you research using yours notes card.
7. CHANGE YOU ERASER: In this step you need to check all you information and grammar do this until you getcomplacent with the text.
8. PREPARE YOU BIBIBLIOGRAPHY: When you finish you researches you need to organize all the bibliographies that you use for make you textorganize these for alphabet order.
9. GET READY THE DOCUMENT TO BE PRESENT: Finally you have to add a sheet including you personal information this goes atthe beginner fallow the table contains and then you research.


Dulce Maria Mata Sariñana.
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