
Páginas: 5 (1217 palabras) Publicado: 15 de enero de 2013
Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (Italian pronunciation: [leoˈnardo da ˈvintʃi]  pronunciation (help·info)) (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519, Old Style) was an Italian Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer. His genius, perhaps more than that of any other figure, epitomized theRenaissance humanist ideal. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance Man, a man of "unquenchable curiosity" and "feverishly inventive imagination".[1] He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived.[2] According to art historian Helen Gardner, the scope and depth of his interestswere without precedent and "his mind and personality seem to us superhuman, the man himself mysterious and remote".[1] Marco Rosci states that while there is much speculation about Leonardo, his vision of the world is essentially logical rather than mysterious, and that the empirical methods he employed were unusual for his time.[3]
Born out of wedlock to a notary, Piero da Vinci, and a peasantwoman, Caterina, at Vinciin the region of Florence, Leonardo was educated in the studio of the renowned Florentine painter, Verrocchio. Much of his earlier working life was spent in the service of Ludovico il Moro in Milan. He later worked in Rome, Bologna and Venice, and he spent his last years in France at the home awarded him by Francis I.
Leonardo was and is renowned[2] primarily as apainter. Among his works, the Mona Lisais the most famous and most parodied portrait[4] and The Last Supper the most reproduced religious painting of all time, with their fame approached only by Michelangelo'sThe Creation of Adam.[1] Leonardo's drawing of the Vitruvian Man is also regarded as acultural icon,[5] being reproduced on items as varied as the euro, textbooks, and T-shirts. Perhaps fifteen ofhis paintings survive, the small number because of his constant, and frequently disastrous, experimentation with new techniques, and his chronic procrastination.[nb 2] Nevertheless, these few works, together with his notebooks, which contain drawings, scientific diagrams, and his thoughts on the nature of painting, compose a contribution to later generations of artists rivalled only by that of hiscontemporary,Michelangelo.
Leonardo is revered[2] for his technological ingenuity. He conceptualised a helicopter, atank, concentrated solar power, a calculator,[6] and the double hull, and he outlined a rudimentary theory of plate tectonics. Relatively few of his designs were constructed or were even feasible during his lifetime,[nb 3] but some of his smaller inventions, such as anautomated bobbin winder and a machine for testing the tensile strength of wire, entered the world of manufacturing unheralded.[nb 4] He made important discoveries in anatomy,civil engineering, optics, and hydrodynamics, but he did not publish his findings and they had no direct influence on later science.[7]

El Hombre de Vitruvio es un famoso dibujo acompañado de notasanatómicas de Leonardo daVinci realizado alrededor del año 1490 en uno de sus diarios. Representa una figura masculina desnuda en dos posiciones sobreimpresas de brazos y piernas e inscrita en una circunferencia y un cuadrado (Ad quadratum). Se trata de un estudio de las proporciones del cuerpo humano, realizado a partir de los textos de arquitectura de Vitruvio,arquitecto de la antigua Roma, del cual el dibujo toma su nombre. Tambiénse conoce como el Canon de las proporciones humanas.
Las proporciones descritas por Vitruvio son las siguientes1 :
* El rostro, desde la barbilla hasta la parte más alta de la frente, donde están las raíces del pelo, mide una décima parte de la altura total.
* La palma de la mano, desde la muñeca hasta el extremo del dedo medio, mide exactamente lo mismo.
* La cabeza, desde la...
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