
Páginas: 3 (728 palabras) Publicado: 19 de mayo de 2012

01.-Her sister speaks English very well.

02.- The letters are in English.

03.- The students are taking English lessons.

04.- The postman comes very late.05.- The scholarships are for worthy students.

06.- Her scholarship is a good one.

07.- The doorbell is ringing.

08.- My sister in the United States.

09.- The university is verylarge.
10.- The bus always stops there

11 We practice our English every day.

12.- Juan studies very hard.

13.- They come to class early.

14.- He eats lunch at one o'clock.

15.- We needvegetables today.

16.- My friend has enough time.

17.- They want to live in the United States.

18.- Juan has a good pronunciation.

19.- They like to study English.

20.- He needs to learnFrench.
21.-The Colombia flag is similar to the Venezuela flag.
22.- North American customs are often different from South American customs.
23.- Your telephone number is similar to ours.24.-The news clothes are different from the old ones.
25.- His new coat is similar to his father's.
26.- She and her mother are alike in many ways.
27.- She notices the difference.

28.- They useformal greetings.

29.- It rains a great deal there.

30.- Juan speaks Spanish well.

31.- They have to learn the new words.

32.- We have to write this exercise.
33.-.This engineering courseis similar to that one.
34.- His tuition is not like Pedro's.
35.- Maria's program of studies is different from Pedro's.
36.- This application blank is like that one.
37.- The schools in one stateare similar to the school in another state.
38.- A separate liberal arts college is like the corresponding college of a university.
39.- A high school diploma is similar to a bachillerato.
40.-ABachelor of Arts degree is different from bachillerato.
41.- He is sitting next to me.
42.- We will have to be on time.
43.- We had to ask the driver for change.

44.- She had to write some...
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