
Páginas: 3 (506 palabras) Publicado: 24 de octubre de 2012
Diego García

The education is probably the most important thing, people now complain about the corruption and all of those bad things. But that happens because theydidn’t have that education that in the future will help them decide to say no.
Hi, my name is Diego Garcia and im going to talk about the education. Hope you like it.

An analysis of the developmentof any developed country in the world, will come to the conclusion that the basis of each and every one of them has been the development of education at all levels, from teaching children to read howto plan and write all levels of education: elementary, middle, high schools, technical schools and universities. Those need to have the raw material needed to make be the human material in everysectors of the economy.
One of the saddest things is to note, that instead of getting better, more human material comes less fundamental knowledge to undertake their studies.
Clearly, the problem islocated in the foundation of this education: the first is the teaching of reading for clarity, pronunciation and understanding. The second is to give students a vocabulary to understand and be expandedand consolidated in each of the years to integrate into working life. Spelling is one of the areas where it detected a serious problem. There are times in the presentation of the curriculum of youth somany mistakes, that makes them impossible to obtain such employment opportunities. If not handled well the language, learning the other will become increasingly tenuous.

Education is one of theimportant factors for which Mexico has advanced and has lagged far behind other countries. This is due to many factors that include teachers, parent´s support; there is no curriculum that is efficient,suitable and equipped for good learning, among others.
For education to be effective, the teacher must have the ability to teach in an appropriate and understandable to the student. Who has the...
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