
Páginas: 2 (311 palabras) Publicado: 6 de febrero de 2013
....................... .... to April 19, 2010
Speech of oratory
Institute ......................
Grade 4, Group B
Miss.................................... ................. HUMAN RIGHTS Exordium: What does the government so that all children go to school? Much like putting free schools. Salutation: Good morning! Honorable jury,teachers, parents, peers and the general public, my name is ....................... and belong to the 4th degree of the In group B .................... Development: The issue that concerns me todevelop the rights of human beings. To speak of them is necessary to understand that all those who are part of society have rights that allow us to establish a healthy coexistence with people aroundus. One of them is the respect they deserve as children from our parents and our teachers . Page 2 of 2 We have the right to education, to have a decent space in which we live, the right tofood, to enjoy spaces to develop our play and leisure activities, in short we have the right to enjoy our stage children, without the burden of being concerned about getting enough to cover the needsthat we have as children. Exhortation: For all of the foregoing, on behalf of the children of this my institution I ask that our rights are respected and give us the Instead we deserve, we knowthat all right brings an obligation, however we are willing to do it, because this will allow us to become better students and better children, to make us feel proud of ourselves, and achieve betterliving with our parents and our teachers. Epilogue: In closing, let me quote a line from the authorship of Don Benito Pablo Juárez García, Mexican lawyer and politician of Zapotec origin,president of the ... [continued]

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(2011, 04). Speech - Human Rights. BuenasTareas.com . Retrieved 04, 2011, from...
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