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Páginas: 5 (1204 palabras) Publicado: 24 de mayo de 2012
Activity plan for week number 3
Teacher´s name: Ximena Sánchez GonzálezObjective: By the end of the week students will be enabled to make a short presentation about a town using the vocabulary reviewed in class Group level: basic 5 Number of students: about 15 Activity length: 1 hr |

Day | Procedure | Skill | Language function or grammarstructure | Grouping or interaction | Material | Possible problems |
Monday | Students will be given some cues to form questions of general culture they will have to answer in a jeopardy like contest | grammar | Forming and answering questions | 3 to 4 teams | none | students may not have the answers so they will be motivated throughout competition |
Tuesday | Students will be greeted and will beasked to list 3 things that make them feel good and three things that make them feel bad. Then they will carry out a find someone who activity with some questions they will be provided. After that, they will be given some vocabulary using the book on page 96 ant then they will do the listening exercise from that very same page. Homework: students book page 97 exercise 2 |SpeakingListeningvocabulary | Describing the weather | Groupalpairs | drawings | Students may have to listen more than twice |
Wednesday | Students will do the listening exercise on page 97, then, they will answer page 70 from they workbook. Homework students book page 98 | ReadingListening | Talking about the weather | pairs | listening | Students may have to listen more than twice |
Thursday | The reading from thehomework will be checked, then, students will be asked to start presenting a presentation about the qualities of life in our town, based on the text presented on page 99 from the students book | ReadingSpeakingwriting | Describing the quality of a town | Teams of 4 | Material for students to do their posters | Students may have had some difficulty with their homework, so they will read it aloud andcheck vocabulary |
Friday | Students will present their topics and if there is any time, they will answer their books on page 99, if not, that will be assigned as a homework | Speaking
reading | Describing the quality of a town | groups | What students bring to present | Students may have some flaws so they will be given feedback after their presentation. |

Activity plan for week number 3Teacher´s name: Ximena Sánchez GonzálezObjective: By the end of the week students will be enabled to do a short presentation of a person they admire and to use the perfect modals to talk about decisions mainly by means of speaking and listening activities. Group level: Intermediate 4 Number of students: about 20 Activity length: 1 hr |

Day |Procedure | Skill | Language function or grammar structure | Grouping or interaction | Material | Possible problems |
Monday | Students will be greeted and will be given a quick review of the grammar topic. Then, students will do the listening on page 41. The homework will be checked (workbook) and will answer page 38 (workbook) | Listening | Expressing regrets about decisions | groupal | Listening |Students may have to listen more than twice |
Tuesday | Students will be given a presentation on the perfect modals by means o0f a mind map. The students will brainstorm ideas. Then, students will read the grammar box on page 42. Finally, students will answer exercise 13 on page 39 and exercise 16 and 17 page 40 from their workbook. | Grammarreading | Expressing regrets about decisions |Groupalpairs | workbook | Students may not finish the exercises, in that case, they will be assigned as a homework |
Wednesday | The students will remember the grammar point checked last class. Then, they will be grouped in trios. They will be asked to give reasons to some statements (students book page 43). Then, They will be shown some pictures and will be asked to present a role play related to...
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