Paradigma conductista
The reasons that marihuana should be legalized are very few and I think that the arguments that are given are very poor, and don’t give an exact reason to implythe right on legalizing it. For this topic there are several reasons why marihuana has been legal, one of them are that it reduces crime, they think that if you have the right to consume it would reducethe risk of any type of crime, and therefore be less need for the secondary crimes needed to raise money. There are also medical benefits such as the cure for cancer patients, it could be a cheaperthan buying expensive medicine. The drug generally isn´t more harmful than alcohol or tobacco if used in moderation, you can also consume it whenever you want to in small amount of portions, it couldalso do less harm to your body.
Looking at the pros, there are also some arguments in which denies legalizing marihuana, one of those reasons are because there are a large amount of stoned drivingand other dangers that could increase, the reason that this happens is because there are not in their senses. Legalization would increase the chances of the drug falling into the hands of kids, manykids could fall into being drug dealers, and in this case the violence could increase. It would also increase the physical damage that can be done to users that abuse the drug, marihuana abuse has beentied to brain damage, cancer, lung damage, depression, a motivational syndrome, and even death.
We know that if you consume marihuana it will bring causes and consequences, but can’t do much aboutthe fact if you are against it because it is already legal, according to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signing SB1449 on October 1 2010. Being effective on January 1, 2011, it turns the possession of lessthan an ounce of marihuana from a criminal misdemearmor into a civil infraction. The conditions are that it allows people 21 years old or older to possess ,cultivate or transport marihuana for...
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