
Páginas: 5 (1121 palabras) Publicado: 30 de noviembre de 2012
Paradigms and educational models
During the course of the day, the week, the month, at home, on the street, at school, at the movies, in the theater, for the newspaper, radio, television, in magazines, in books text and internet, at so repeatedly heard saying: we are living and we are part of the knowledge society or information society, named the XXI century (bythe large amount of information that exists, which makes it in knowledge), in which the political, economic, social and cultural structures change systems, giving rise to new paradigms.
Indeed at the present time there is no human being that is protected from the effects of those changes. The man of knowledge has become a mechanical being gradually lost identity, values, customs and traditions,with ideas imported and misapplied, leaving family, school, is inserted in vandalism and crime, offends and hurts the particles planetary. As knowledge increases rapidly in today's society, increasing negative attitudes, environmental degradation, crime, insecurity, poor, unemployment, disease and so on.
In such a way that the parent (home), teachers (at school), the authorities (communities,counties, states and countries), should promote a new educational paradigm that Michaels called Miguel Martinez "Humanistic Education," which transformed and fully developed minds, children, young, adult, of women and men, regardless of religion, class, profession, or the work that deepened.
Among the feature that sets Martinez Michaels in the "Humanist Education" are: Loyalty to "human" and"everything human, Development" personal "Importance of the affective area," natural "tendency toward self-creative Conduct.
The educational paradigm that says Martinez does not neglect the development of skills in students, current requirement, it is required that students be able to learn to learn and learn to unlearn independently throughout life, ie, acquire the ability to learn continuously, usingdifferent information sources, both print and technological process information through reason, analysis, understanding and interpretation and become knowledge. In this new paradigm, the protagonist of the student's education, which should be active, innovative, creative, imaginative, critical to achieve individual and collective success.
But it is necessary to specify that not enough students aresaturated with too much information that is to become aware, but to appropriate the most meaningful to them, and enable the "Significant Learning" "The student must show [...] a provision for substantial and not arbitrarily connect the new material with their cognitive structure, as you learn the material is potentially significant for him, i.e. relatable to their knowledge structure on anon-arbitrary "Asubel (1993).
Vygotsky: states: "that knowledge is a product of social interaction and culture, development of knowledge is based on processes learned through social interaction."
Based on what was mentioned by Vygotsky, where knowledge is a product of social interaction and responsibilities with stronger commitments in relation to the required quality education in the twenty-firstcentury, it is necessary to encourage the learners "collaborative learning" Institute Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (2006), in which the student is responsible for their own learning jeopardizing the cognitive, skills, abilities, skills and values ​​that has also assumed responsibility for supporting the learning of others .
Tryphon, Anastasia, Piaget, Vygotsky, TheSocial Genesis of Thought, Barcelona, ​​2000 Piatigorsky Translation jorge
Longworth, Norman (2003): Learning throughout life, Polity Press, transitions, Barcelona, ​​Spain.
Tunnermann, Bernheim, Carlos (1999): The University needed for the XXI Century, Hispamer, Managua, Nicaragua,
Paradigms and educational models
Paradigms: "A set of theoretical and methodological assumptions that determine...
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