
Páginas: 15 (3527 palabras) Publicado: 29 de abril de 2011
. . : : Benamun 2011 Protocol and Procedure : : . .


President: Delegates, please all rise.
President: On behalf of the Benavente School, the Academy of English and the
Secretariat we welcome you to the first session of the
______________________ of the Model United Nations “Benamun 2011”.
Delegates, you may be seated.
President: I will now introduce the members ofthe Chair. To my right is the
Secretary, Mr./Ms. ________________________. To my left is the Officer of
Conferences, Mr./Ms._______________________________. My name is
___________________________ and I will be your President. I now yield the
word to the Secretary to take roll call.
Secretary: Thank you, Mr./Ms President. I now proceed to take roll call. Please
rise your placards and say“Present” or “Present and voting”
Secretary: Delegation of ... (Every delegation listed is called)
President: Thank you Mr./Ms. Secretary.

A. Opening the Session

President: Delegates, the Chair recommend a Motion to Open the
President: The floor is open, are there points or motions on the floor?
President: Yes, delegate of ________________?
Delegate: Motion of Procedure
Delegate: To Open the Session.
President: Yes delegate, you are in order. Who seconds the Motion?
President: Thank you delegate of ________________. Votes In favor?
President: Votes against?
President: Abstenssions?
If the motion passes:
President: The motion clearly passes. The session is now open.
If the motion does not pass:
President: The motion didn’t pass.

B.Choosing the Topic.
President: Delegates, we have two topics to discuss in the agenda. Topic A:
__________________________________ and Topic B: ________________
___________________. In order to choose the topic to be discussed, the chair
requests two delegates to speak in favor and only in favor of Topic A for one
minute and other two delegates to speak in favor and only in favor of Topic B forone minute. Delegates, who want to participate, please raise your placard.
President: Thank you delegates from __(first)_________, from
____(second)______, from ______(third)______ and from _____(fourth)______.
President: Now delegates from __(first)_________ and from
____(second)______, please come to the front to speak in favor and only in favor
of Topic A for one minute.
Once the delegateshave finished:
President: Thank you delegates. You may be seated.
President: Now delegates from _______(third)_________ and from
____(fourth)______, please come to the front to speak in favor and only in favor
of Topic B for one minute.
Once the delegates have finished:
President: Thank you delegates. You may be seated.
President: Delegates we are now going to vote to choose the topic.There will be
two rounds, one for each topic, in which you can vote in favor and only in favor of
the topic that is being voted.
President: Delegates in favor of Topic A please raise your placards.
President: Thank you delegates.
The Secretary counts the votes and writes them down.
President: Delegates in favor of Topic B please raise your placards.
President: Thank you delegates.
TheSecretary counts the votes and writes them down.
Then the Chair says the winning topic:
President: With ___ votes in favor, Topic ___ has been chosen.
C. Opening the Speaker’s List
President: Now the Chair recommends you a motion to open the
speaker’s list.
President: Delegates the floor is open. Are there any points or motions on
the floor?
President: Yes delegate of __________________?Delegate: Motion of Procedure.
President: Establish.
Delegate: To open the Speaker’s List.
President: For How long?
Delegate: For ___ minute (s).
President: Yes delegate, you are in the order.
President: Who seconds the motion?
President: Thank you delegate of ___________________.
President: Votes in favor? Against? Abstenssions?
If the motion passes:
President: The motion clearly...
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