
Páginas: 6 (1323 palabras) Publicado: 27 de enero de 2013

4. A description of where the country is located (i.e. what continent it’s in, what the surrounding countries are)
* Le Dominique  est un pays et une île de l'archipel des Caraïbes, localisée entre les îles françaises des Saintes, et Marie-Galante (deux dépendances de la Guadeloupe) au nord et la Martinique au sud. 
* Domica is a country andan island in the Caribbean, located at the south of the French islands of les îles des Saintes and Marie-Galante (both dependencies of Guadaloupe) and north of Martinique

7. The country’s type of government (and who is the head of state currently)
* La Dominique est une république démocratique qui combine des aspects du modèle républicain et du « système de Westminster ». Le Présidentest élu par le parlement, et a un mandat de cinq ans (art.18 de la Constitution). Le président est Eluid Williams et le premier ministre est Rooslvelt Skerrit. This looks great Francisco. Make sure you cite your sources for all of this too, OK ?
* Dominica is a democratic republic which combines aspects of the republican system and Westminister system. The president is elected by theparliament, and he has a five year mandate, (art. 18 of the Constitution). The president is Eluid Williams and the first minister is Rooselvelt Skerrit.

10. A description of the types of food that they eat, an example recipe, and a photo/picture of the food
* Dominica boast the most colourful always fresh, fruits and vegetables of all the Caribbean Islands, red, yellow, pink, orange, and green.They must also have the largest selection of fresh fruit Juices anywhere in the world and fruit that are locally produced, watermelon, pineapple, mangoe, mandarin, coconut, banana, sugar cane, sorrel, paw paw, tamarind, guava, carambola, soursop, gooseberry, barbadine and passion fruit. There are quite a collection of real treats, There is a Creole fish and chicken, Fresh fish is available every dayblue marlin, dolphin, grouper, kingfish snapper and lobster in abundance.
* Dominique a les plus colorés et toujours fraises, fruits et légumes de toutes les îles des Caraïbes, rouges, jaunes, roses, oranges et verts. Au Dominique, il y a le plus grand choix de jus de fruits fraises et de fruits dans monde comment la pastèque, les ananas, la mangue, la mandarine, le coco, la banane, la canneà sucre, l'oseille, la papaye, le tamarin, la goyave, la carambole, le corossol, la groseille. Il ya toute une collection de recettes, il s'agit d'un poisson et le poulet créole, le dauphin, le mérou, le vivaneau carangues, et ils sont disponibles tous les jours en abondance. Francisco, I would like you to rewrite these in your own words. Simplify them. For example, instead of the word“boasts” use the word “has.” It is still pretty apparent that this was google translated, although I recognize that you also changed a lot of things too.
* Au Dominique, le people aime manger des repas avec les fruits, la nourriture préparé consiste des fruits exotiques de la région. Tel est le case du le pain, lequel est fait avec le banana, la mangue, la papaye, etc.
* In Dominica, people liketo eat meals with fruits, a lot of the prepared food involve exotic fruit of the region. Such is the bread, which has different savory versions such as banana bread, mango bread, papaya, etc.


6 oz butter 
6 oz castor sugar
3 eggs finely grated rind and 
juice of 1 lime
1 cup crushed roasted peanuts 
Pinch of salt
4 oz plain flour 
4 ozself-raising flour 
3 ripe bananas 
1 tsp vanilla & almond essence
1 tsp grated cinnamon and nutmeg 
1 cup Milk
A handful of pineapple pieces and cheery pieces
a handful of dessicated coconut
Pre-heat oven to gas mark 3. lightly grease a 21b loaf tin, place grease proof paper at the bottom. Beat butter until soft, then add sugar and fold it in. Beat in eggs...
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