Plasma Gasification

Páginas: 7 (1626 palabras) Publicado: 11 de febrero de 2013
Plasma Technology
Implemented to the gasification

Plasma Technology
Abstract 3
What is gasification? 4
What is the plasma? 5
Why we use plasma in gasification? 6
Advantages and characteristics of plasma technology 6
Plasma generator 7
Two types of DC torches: non-transferred and transferred 7
Recoveringmaterials 8
As nice as it seems? 9
The impact on climate change 9
The impact on human health 10
Conclusions 11
References 12


Population growth and an increase in the consumption of goods and services have generated an increase in the volumes of waste and energy demand. There are technologies for the treatment of waste with energy recovery.
Many developed countries haveadopted composting and incineration of its MSW as methods of treatment, however, this technology is currently disputing by environmental problems.
Plasma technology has been exposed as a clean technology with the potential to process all kinds of garbage and generate electricity and other products. This technology has been used in countries like the United States, Japan and Puerto Rico, to name afew, with very encouraging results. This paper describes the technology of plasma and recount experiences from their use.

What is gasification?

Gasification is a thermodynamic process that all solid or liquid which, in a reducing atmosphere, it provides enough energy to break molecular bonds.
The waste matter become in:
* organic synthesis gas
* melt magma
Gasification is not acombustion process. When no air is used the process is called pyrolysis or destructive distillation.
Conventional gasification work at temperatures less than 1,700 ° C, it is incomplete and can result in residuals sub products (tar, slag and ash). With the high temperature gasification is obtained a complete molecular dissociation therefore we avoid the presence of residual products and the formationof dioxins and furans.
The high temperature required for this Gasification type is obtained by Plasma torches.

What is the plasma?

Plasma is considered as the fourth state of matter along with gases, liquids and solids. Plasma is sometimes considered as the ionized gases. In physics and chemistry the plasma is considered as the portion of the gas which is ionized. Plasma is formed bypassing an electrical discharge through a gas. Under normal circumstances gases will not conduct electricity, but when a very high voltage is applied the insulating properties begin to break down. As electricity starts to flow through the gas it heats up and it begins to conduct more.
The ionization of the substance can be done by many modes, not only by heating but also by applying strong electricfield coupled with laser or microwave region.

Like gases, plasma does not have definite shape or volume; they take up the volume and the shape of the container. It can be considered that plasma state is gaseous state at high temperature and so it has some of the properties of gases.
This ionized gas that exists in nature as lightning or Northern Lights, there are examples about plasma.
One ofthe characteristics of plasma (ionized gas) is the properties to facilitate "a low mass heat transfer" and generate extreme temperatures up to 14,000 ° C.

Why we use plasma in gasification?

Gasification is the rapid thermal decomposition of a material by partial oxidation by the addition of limited amounts of air or oxygen.
In conventional gasification process the different types of waste areworked by heat, to decompose the original solid in mixture of solid, liquid and gas.
The plasma arc in addition to a source of high temperature is also a source of ultraviolet radiation.
High temperature and UV provide enough energy to break bonds between atoms within the molecule.
The liberated atoms can recombine in others forms.

Advantages and characteristics of plasma technology...
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