Programa lengua inglesa 2

Páginas: 6 (1292 palabras) Publicado: 15 de junio de 2010

Carrera: Profesorado de Inglés para el nivel Inicial y Primario.
Cátedra: Lengua Inglesa II
Año: Tercer año de la carrera
Régimen: anual
Profesora: Yesica Roxana Baracat
Carga Horaria: 6 horas cátedra
Año: 2010


A través de esta materia se pretende lograr que el alumno desarrolle sus habilidades lingüísticas por medio de distintasherramientas para adquirir un nivel de Inglés avanzado. Durante el cursado de la misma se repasaran contenidos previos y se reforzaran y aprenderán otros. Todas las macro habilidades serán desarrolladas durante clases con el fin de utilizar el idioma Inglés con fines comunicativos. Se espera que los alumnos participen activamente y que puedan ampliar su vocabulario, opinar sobre distintos temas, ypoder expresarse por medio de la escritura de forma correcta y adecuada.
• Desarrolle el manejo de las cuatro habilidades: lectura, escucha, habla y escritura.
• Usar y analizar la lengua siempre dentro de un contexto significativo.
• Aprender vocabulario nuevo para un correcto y variado uso de la lengua.
• Lectura y elaboración de distintos tipos de textos.• Organizar el discurso escrito y oral en forma cohesiva/coherente.
• Elaborar opiniones y participar en debates sobre distintos temas.
Book: Upstream Intermediate
Unit 8
➢ Vocabulary: types of food; recipes; kitchen utensils; ways of cooking; places to eat; diners’ complaints.
➢ Speaking: give advice; compare junk food to home cooked food; recipes; ordering ameal/fast food.
➢ Grammar: Quantifiers (some, any, no, (a) little, (a) few); countable/uncountable nouns; reported speech (special introductory verbs). Phrasal verbs: MAKE, PUT
➢ Writing: a recipe.
Unit 9
➢ Vocabulary: types of sports; qualities; places & equipment; free-time activities; types of entertainment; the paralympics.
➢ Speaking: giving opinions; guess content; talk abouthobbies; asking for permission & polite requests; taking a phone message; inviting a friend to a sporting event..
➢ Grammar: Conditionals Type 2 &3; wishes; would rather. Phrasal verbs: RUN, SEE, SET.
➢ Writing. A letter to the editor.
Unit 10
➢ Vocabulary: the news; natural/man- made disasters; newspapers; TV Guide; cinema; types of films.
➢ Speaking: comparing types offilms; express preferences; talk about disasters; gossip; making arrangements; making excuses.
➢ Grammar: future perfect; linkers & quantifiers (either/neither, although, both, all, none). Phrasal verbs: STAND, TAKE, TURN.
➢ Writing: A news report.
Book: Upstream- Upper Intermediate B2+
Unit 1
➢ Vocabulary: Means/ ways of communication; types of languages; gestures and feelings;say/tell/speak/talk; fixed phrases and phrasal verbs related to communication.
➢ Grammar: Determiners; too/enough; partitives.
➢ Speaking: Expressing preferences; comparing/contrasting, making suggestions; responding positively/negatively; making assumptions; saying goodbye.
➢ Writing: Letters: informal, semi-formal, formal.
Unit 2
➢ Vocabulary: Moods and emotions; physicalsensations; expressing feelings; extreme adjectives; similes; phrasal verbs and prepositions.
➢ Grammar: Present Simple and Present Continuous; Stative verbs; Used to- Be used to /Get used to; word formation: forming adjectives.
➢ Speaking: Asking about and expressing feelings; exclamations; indirect questions.
➢ Writing: Transactional letters.
Unit 3
➢ Vocabulary: Job skills and qualities;forms of money; confused words; idioms/phrasal verbs related to money, prepositions.
➢ Grammar: -ing form or infinitive; reported speech; introductory verbs; word formation: forming negative adjectives.
➢ Speaking: Expressing and asking for opinions; agreeing/disagreeing; encouraging; demanding and giving explanations; asking for and giving advice.
➢ Writing: Reports; letters of...
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