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Páginas: 3 (569 palabras) Publicado: 21 de marzo de 2012
company - to - peer performance
ubix computers is a publicly traded corporation actively traded on the NASDAQ . the company was launched in 1999 with an ipo raising 70 million shareholdersown more than 80 of the company while upper level management and employee stock options own the remaining 20 ,ubix is located in denver , colorado with manufacturing plants in taiwan andindonesia . the total cash flow during 2000 was 365 million. while total operating expenses for the past fiscal year totaled 180 million. resulting in a pre-tax profit of 175 million . ubixcomputers market share in the us domestic market has grown from 2 to 5 during the past 18months .future plans include the development of a line of laptop computers to export to the chinese market .ceo , robin lancaster, was optimistic in his vision of the future .while other computer manufactures are loosing market share , we , are increasing our market share at over 100 annually . ubixoffers consumers computers that are made to meet their specific requeriments ,while pricing these computers at mass market prices .this unique combination ensures ubix will be a major marketplayer in the near future.

check your understanding

which market is ubix traded on

how much money did the ipo raise

who owns 80 of stock

where are ubix manufacturing plants locatedhow much has market share grown over the past 18 months
how much did ubix spend on operating expenses
which market is ubix trying to enter whith its new line of lapton models

whatprediction is made about ubix in the future
empresa - a - el desempeño de pares
ubix computadoras es una empresa que cotiza en bolsa se ​​negocian activamente en el NASDAQ. La compañía fue lanzada en1999 con un aumento de 70 millones ipo propios accionistas más de 80 de la compañía, mientras que la gestión de nivel superior y opciones sobre acciones propias que el restante 20, ubix se encuentra...
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