Protein Synthesis

Páginas: 2 (268 palabras) Publicado: 30 de enero de 2013
“Protein Synthesis”

1. What are the three main differences between DNA and RNA?

A=Sugar in RNA is ribose; Sugar in DNA is deoxyribose, RNA is single stranded;DNA is double stranded, RNA contains uracil in place of thymine.

2. This type of RNA transfers amino acids in the cytoplasm to the growing polypeptidechain in the ribosomes to construct proteins

A=Is the Transfer RNA (tRNA).

3. This type of RNA is found inside the ribosome to make the ribosome exist.A= Is the Ribosomal RNA (rRNA).

4. This type of RNA is a disposable copy of DNA to carry instructions to assemble proteins at the ribosome.

A=Is theMessenger RNA (mRNA).

5. It is a process about how RNA is converted into a protein.

A=Protein Synthesis is this process of converting RNA into a protein. Itis the process of how proteins are made.

6. Process from question 5 has 2 steps.

Step 1 name: Transcription takes place in: Nucleus

Step 2name: Translation takes place in: Ribosome

7. The genetic code is written with 4 aminoacids, which are those?

A= Guanine, Cytocine, Adenine,Thymine-Uracil.

8. Originally the mRNA is produced from Transcription, and comes out of the Nucleus through the Cell, once in the cytoplasm it gets into theRibosome to start assembling aminoacids to create a protein.

9. Once the protein is assembled is transported to what organelle?

A= Golgi Apparatus, porque realizael procesamiento y modificación de proteínas.

10. After the protein is packed, it is released outside the

A= Within the cell or outside of the cell.
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