Prueba Pueblos Originarios

Páginas: 3 (666 palabras) Publicado: 29 de julio de 2012
Social Test N°3
“The Native Peoples of Chile”

Objetive of the test:
1 Reconocer las principales características de los pueblos originarios de Chile.
2 Comprender la relaciónque establecieron los pueblos originarios con el espacio geográfico que habitaron.
3 Reconocer la presencia actual de los pueblos indígenas y sus aportes a la sociedad chilena.
4 Obtenerinformación de textos, gráficos e imágenes.
Total Score

58 Obtained Score:


I.- Circle the correct alternative (5 pts)

1. One of the native groups that lived in thesouth is:
a. Chonos
b. Changos
c. Aymara
d. Diaguitas

2. The native group that invented the IRRIGATING SYSTEM was:

a. Aymara
b. Mapuche
c. Diaguita
d. Atacameño

3. They madepottery with clay, decorated with geometrical figures:

a. Chonos
b. Mapuches
c. Alacalufes
d. Diaguitas

4. Native peoples in the Southernmost Chile are:

a. Onas , Changos and Alacalufes.b. Alacalufes, Chonos and Diaguitas.
c. Alacalufes, Chonos, Onas and Yaganes.
d. Diaguitas, Onas and Yaganes.

5. The language spoken by the Mapuche people was:

a. Quechua.
b. Spanishc. Mapudungún
d. Kunza

II. Answer if the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE, IF IT IS FALSE, write the true statement: (10 pts)

1. _____ The Mapuches lived in theNorth.

2. _____ The Atacameños used a system to irrigate their plantations in the hillsides._______________________________________________________________

3. _____ The Rapanuis and Mapuches still keep their language and traditions.

4. _____ Today,the native group that has the largest population in Chile are the Alacalufes.

5. _____ Nguillatun is a Diaguita ritual....
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