While in English, the plural is formed by adding (s) to the singular. In Spanish, to form the plural of nouns and adjectives we add (-s) to words ending in a vowel and (-es) to words ending in a consonant. Here are some examples:
Un amigo (a friend) becomes: Unos amigos (some friends)
Una mujer (one woman) becomes: Unas mujeres (some women)
Esa es mi coche roja (this is myred car) becomes: Esas son mis coches rojas (these are my red cars)
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2- Adverbs Lesson
While in English adverbs are usually formed by adding (-ly) to adjectives. In Spanish many adverbs are formed from adjectives, simply by adding the suffix -mente to the singular feminine form of adjectives. Examples:Lento (slow) becomes lentamente (slowly)
Perfecto (perfect) becomes perfectamente (perfectly)
However that’s not always the case. Some words are adverbs by nature. For example:
Ahora (now), verdad (really), and pronto (soon) are all Spanish adverbs.
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3- Adjectives Lesson
While in English an adjective doesn’tchange when the noun changes, in Spanish an adjective should agree in gender and number with the noun. For example:
a) Masculine to feminine example:
Esto es mi hijo pequeño (this is my little son) becomes: Esa es mi hija pequeña (this is my little daughter)
As you can see from the example above, the adjective comes after the noun and also takes the feminine form.
b) Singular to pluralexample:
Este es mi gato blanco (this is my white cat) becomes: Esas son mis gatos blancos (these are my white cats).
As you can see from the example above, the adjective comes after the noun and also takes the plural form.
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4- Numbers Lesson
In Spanish numbers from 1 to 20 are unique and therefore need to bememorized individually. Numbers from 21 and upwards are formed by using the following pattern: for example 21 can be formed by using 20 + 1 while connecting them. 22 = veintidós. 45 can be formed by using 40 + e + 5 while connecting them: 45 = Quarenta e cinco.
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5- Articles Lesson
Definite Article:
UnlikeEnglish, which has only one definite article “the", Spanish has 4 definite articles:
El (masculine singular), el libro (the book)
La (masculine singular) la casa (the house)
Los (masculine plural) los libros (the books)
Las (feminine plural) las casas (the houses)
Indefinite Article:
While we have (a / an / some) in English as indefinite articles, we also have un/ una. unos/ unas in Spanish .In general, whenever (a, an) are used in English you, you need to use (un) or (una) to say the equivalent in Spanish.
Un (masculine singular), un libro (a book)
Una (masculine singular) una casa (a house)
Unos (masculine plural) unos libros (some books)
Unas (feminine plural) unas casas (some houses)
Example: Los libros que tengo son en una casa de un amigo (The books I have are in ahouse of a friend)
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6- Verbs Lessons
- Present Tense
In Spanish, verbs take the following endings to form the present tense:
ich -e, du -st, er (sie, es) -t, wir -en, ihr -t, Sie -en, sie -en. Example:
ich spiele, du spielst, er (sie, es) spielt, wir spielen, ihr spielt, Sie spielen, sie spielen.
Theseendings can help you a lot, because with them you can conjugate most of verbs into the present tense, you only need the stem of the verb, for example the stem of (spielen: to play) is (spiel).
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- Past Tense
In Spanish as well as in English the simple past tense (imperfect) is used to describe past events. The...
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