Rediseño De Un Puerto

Páginas: 14 (3392 palabras) Publicado: 16 de noviembre de 2012
Table of Content

Introduction ............................................................................................................... 3


Evaluation of rogress in term of content and methodology ......................................... 3

Progress, Time Planning and Monitoring ............................................................ 4


Planof Action Progress Evaluation ..................................................................... 3

Contacts ............................................................................................................. 5

Evaluation of the result .............................................................................................. 6


Introduction........................................................................................................ 6
The process of getting the result. ........................................................................ 6

Evaluation of group process ....................................................................................... 6

Cooperation within the group............................................................................. 6


Coordinators and support courses ....................................................................... 7


Evaluation of the unit project as a whole .................................................................... 7


Reccomendation and learning skill............................................................................ 7


Individual Reflections ................................................................................................ 8

Individual Reflection of Orsolya Pakozdi ........................................................... 8


Individual Reflection of Grzegorz Grodzicki ...................................................... 8


Individual Reflection of AnggaBrahmana Sukma (Bram) .................................. 9


Individual Reflection Wei Ming Cheng .............................................................. 9


1. Introduction
The process reports indicates what we have done and how we worked in-group. The process
focused on the procedure we have taken to carry on this research. We also considered the
methodology we used todo this research. We referred t o the steps we took to evaluate our work.
Our group worked in research about Linderveld area. We started our project by discussing
and then deciding how we working together in-group and what method and strategy we should
take. Next, we thought what we want to achieve at the end of this project. After that we focused on
finding good main research questions inorder to reach our objectives. We used several sub questions to provide us some information how to answer the main research question.
It was very important for us to divide the task and then met to discussing for further
development of our teamwork. All these aspects and the data collection and task division among
the members were included in the work strategy and methodology.
Every week weregularly had a meeting with our tutor. The secretary of the group wrote the
meeting report and collected all the advices and information about what we should improve. Then
we had meeting with all the group members and divide the tasks. The entire task was assessed
before coming to the tutor to make sure that everything had been done well so we could submit it to
him. The meetings that we havedone until now were useful to improve our project because we
received some advices to achieve our objectives.
M ethodology
We choose Multi Criteria Analysis as a way to comparing our three scenarios. Because we
think that this method help us compare scenarios in a very fair ly way. And also it can help us to
think clearly what factor is important for us to make it and how we can express our...
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