Resumen Tom Sawyer Ingles

Páginas: 2 (419 palabras) Publicado: 17 de abril de 2012
Tom Sawyer is a boy who lives in a river town in northeast Missouri. He is an orphan who stays with his aunt Polly and half brother Sid. He often gets into trouble. For example when he skipsschool he must paint a fence white. He tells other boys it is an honor to paint the fence, so they do the work for him. Another interesting thing is that Tom loves Becky Thatcher, a new girl.

Onenight he goes to a cemetery with Huckleberry Finn, the son of a drunk who likes alcohol more than loves his son. At the cemetery they suddenly see Injun Joe murder another man. Injun Joe tells peoplethat his friend Muff Potter murdered the man, so Muff goes to jail. Tom and Huck are afraid to tell anyone what they saw.

Tom, Huck and a friend go to an island in the river to live as pirates.Soon they discover that people in town think they drowned in the river. Tom and the boys go to their own funeral, and the people are happy and excited to see them alive. In school Tom says hehimself tore a book that was really torn by Becky Thatcher. This saves her from a whipping. She begins to like him again.

When Muff Potter’s case is heard in court, Tom has courage to testifyagainst Injun Joe who escapes. Tom and Huck look for treasure in a haunted house. There they see Injun Joe and another man who leave when they suspect someone knows they are there. Huck tries to followsInjun Joe and his partner.

One day Tom goes on a school picnic to a cave with Becky. Meanwhile Huck overhears Injun Joe and his partner planning to attack a kind older woman in the town called theWidow Douglas. He gets helps and this saves her life.

Suddenly Tom and Becky Thatcher become lost in the cave. While there they see Injun Joe. Finally Tom discovers how to leave the cave.Becky’s father, Judge Thatcher, orders the cave closed which means Injun Joe will die there without food and water. Later Tom and Huck enter the cave and find Injun Joe’s hidden treasure of...
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