Rse Y Patrimonio

Páginas: 21 (5182 palabras) Publicado: 2 de febrero de 2013
Dic 20
Lets wear the clear glasses
Is the global civil society organization leading the fight against corruption, brings people together in a powerful worldwide coalition to end the devastating impact of corruption on men, women and children around the world.
TI’s mission is to create change towards a world free of corruption.
This month, as usual,arrived the news of the released of the 2011 Index, and as an observer had to know how my country was graded…
Yes, We did it again! We are in the 10 “something” rank, it depends on how you want to see it, we are in the Top ten of most Corrupt or in the Bottom ten of least Transparent… as usual it is about perception…isn´t it?
Since I can recall I remember hearing the word “Corruption” very oftenon tv and on peoples conversations as something usual…as the “everyday warm bread”… There is when the problem begins, when we as citizens accept IT as normal…when we tolerate it.
Well since “When Transparency International [...] publishes its Corruption Perceptions Index, governments, companies and civil society groups cannot afford to ignore it.”
Financial Times, 20 October 2004
Perhaps we arenothing Chilean, but we, as Latin-Americans feel proud of them, probably because we feel close to them, that we are part of the same blood, or because they represent an example and piece of hope for us. We want to be more like Chile than Finland of course…Chile is in the top of Latin American countries in the rank, with a proudly number 22 in the list. We definitively  believe it´s possible tobecome more like them and less than Iraq and Haiti, well, because we just can.
After reading the last ten years Perception results of TI, these are the Venezuela´s numbers in the Global Corruption Barometer:
In 2001 Venezuela had a 2.8/10 Score, number 70th of 91 participants. After that, 2003 went down with 2.4/10 score, 2007 down with 2/10 and until today with 1.9/10 score, and a rank of82nd over 182 countries. That is just really sad and disappointed. The interesting thing is that meanwhile Venezuela is being going down in the GCB elevator next door, Colombia´s rank is being coming up. Starting in 2001 with a 3.7/10 score and the 50thover 91, 2005 went down with 2.3/10 but then  went to 3.9 in 2006 and now in 2011 they have 3.4/10 but a rank of 80th over 182. Let´s face it, Colombia isnot in perfect conditions, they still have to deal with the violence and security matters of Guerrilla and Farc, but the difference is that they have being working on it, taking seriously the corruption and educating their population.
 The issue is that in Venezuela after reading the last ten year results, the efforts had been nebulous and the willpowervery weak. There is no will to turn the tortilla up… Just like many other issues or stigmas as impunity and violence.
But, Why is Corruption really an issue?
It is an awful inconvenient chain of bricks walls against development and peace.
“Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. It hurts everyone whose life, livelihood or happiness depends on the integrity of people in aposition of authority.”
From Transparency International web page.
Corruption, considered in general, as the improper use of the management of a common heritage. The governmental corruption is the deviation of the Public and civil duty objectives in behave of particular interests.
As the says, Corruption is a moral perversion, depravity, pervertionof integrity, someone corrupt is dishonest.
An authority wrong doing, or powerful party through illegitimate ways, that are, immoral, or incompatible with ethical standards. Corruption often results from patronage and is associated with bribery.
All these words aim to Moral issues, to Ethics. But Ethics is already a very complex word. Because it...
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