Sabeeee No Sirve =D

Páginas: 2 (325 palabras) Publicado: 6 de noviembre de 2012
Attraction | Noun | The process of attracting. |
Perception | Noun | Mental image we create of something |
Fashion | Noun | Distinctive manner or way. |Emotions | Noun | Mental reaction accompanied by a specific behavior. |
Senses | Noun | Capacity of perceiving by the sense organs. |
Qualities | Noun | Peculiar an essential attributes |
Physiology| Noun | Structure of the body. |
Psychology | Noun | Mental characteristics. |
Nature | Noun | Basic constitution of a person. |
Media | Noun | Mass communication. |
Non-physical | Noun | Ajudge made without consider physical characteristics. |
Looks | Noun | Types of appearances, especially physical. |
Stranger’s eye | - | The way someone perceives an unknown person or object. |Image | Noun | Visual representation of someone. |
Photos | Noun | A picture obtained by photography. |
Behavior | Noun | The way of conducting oneself. |
Traits | Noun | A distinguishingquality. |
Influence | Noun | Something that affects the way of thinking of someone. |
Beauty | Noun | Qualities that give pleasure to the senses. |
Subconscious | Adjective | The not immediatelymind. |
Assessment | Noun | The action of determine something. |
Systematic | Adjective | A methodical process. |
Unique | Adjective | Be the only one. |
Preferences | Noun | The act of likebetter something. |
Ugly | Adjective | Offensive to any sense. |
Criteria | Noun | Standard on which someone based his or hers decisions. |
Beautiful | Adjective | Pleasing to any sense. |Handsome | Adjective | Having a pleasing look. |
Autosteem | Noun | The way you feel about yourself. |
Stereotypes | Noun | Idea of something influenced by a group of people. |
Appealing | Adjective| Someone or something that is attractive. |
Standards | Noun | Level of quality. |
Weight | Noun | Quantity of matter. |
Body type. | - | |
Personality | Noun | Group of qualities that...
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  • sabeeee
  • sabeeee
  • Sabeeee
  • Sabeeee
  • Ya tu sabeeee
  • no sirve
  • No sirve
  • esto no sirve

Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas