Sea Turtles

Páginas: 2 (457 palabras) Publicado: 28 de septiembre de 2012
Sea turtlles
The turtles are amazing animals, reptiles have existed for years. Their survival is threatened by different types of factors this shows us theeffects they have are of great importance to the ecosystem. In America there are 6 types of sea turtles which are in danger of extinction.

From the earliest stages of life the turtles have a higherrate of mortality, both natural hazards and man, these are the main factors.
When are incubated predated by wild and domestic animals, like when they leave their nests and are easy prey for crabs,birds, raccoons.
Also these environmental factors such as climate change, hurricanes that negatively influence the birth of the turtles.
But man is responsible for the most impact, since the capture oconsumption of meat, eggs and marketing of its shell. Pollution is also a great impact on turtles, chemical wastes, liquids and solids are a major threat to them. As unplanned tourism development affectnesting areas.
It should decrease the mortality rate or cease to exist.

These are of great importance for the ecosystem as they contribute to the health and maintenance of coral reefs, seagrassbeds and sandy beaches.
Properly maintained and seagrass beds that increase the productivity of nutrients from their leaves when feeding, also keep in good coral reefs by removing sponges whenforaging turtles facilitate nutrient cycling by providing a sourceconcentrated protein nutrients when they lay eggs. Balance nautical chains under control jellyfish populations and provide a food source forfish to move algae.
For this and many more reasons its important to the ecosystem.

There are 6 species of sea turtles in America and are in critical danger of extinction. Types: leatherbackturtle, Green, White, Black, Hawksbill turtle, Kemp's Ridley.
The Leatherback , unfortunately have been reduced by 90%, among the causes of their extinction is the removal of the eggsfrom the beaches...
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