
Páginas: 2 (429 palabras) Publicado: 24 de septiembre de 2013


The family composition varies from society to society, from country to country, from region to region, and may in some cases be very large and in many others only limited power ornuclear members: father, mother and children. Conventionally understood as secondary family uncles, cousins​​, grandparents and nephews. Then, we can also mention the in-laws, ie that which isestablished based on blood relationships are not: brother-in-law, fathers godchildren, etc..
The importance of the family rests on two main pillars for human existence: first, the family provides thenewborn protection, care and affection, teaching stuff through rules of behavior, where the danger is, what things not to do, how to be healthy, how to be healthy, which means every sensation, etc.. Thisis so because a baby (any kind, not just human) to be abandoned without any care or protection of potential dangers could not survive on its own. For humans, the care and protection of parents isnecessary until the age of adulthood, when it is understood that the person and may use and take care of itself (in terms of age, adulthood varies from country country but is usually set around 16-18years).
Deshacer cambios

La composición de la familia varía de sociedad en sociedad, de país en país, de región en región, pudiendo en algunos casos ser muy numerosa y en muchos otroslimitarse solamente a los integrantes centrales o nucleares: padre, madre e hijos. Convencionalmente se entiende por familiares secundarios a los tíos, primos, abuelos y sobrinos. Luego, también podemosmencionar a la familia política, es decir aquella que se establece en base a relaciones no sanguíneas: cuñado, nuera, suegros, yerno, ahijados, etc.

La importancia de la familia estribaprincipalmente en dos pilares fundamentales para la existencia del ser humano: por un lado, la familia brinda al recién nacido protección, cuidado y cariño, enseñándole a través de esas cosas reglas de...
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