
Páginas: 3 (592 palabras) Publicado: 12 de noviembre de 2012
Lack of experience


Jenny has got a difficult obstacle to overcome: she has no professional experience in he area of interest. Although Jenny has recently graduated from college with amajor in English Literature and Political Science, she wants to break into the marketing field.

She is confident that she can learn the job quickly and contribute creative ideas because, when she wasa child, she usually made up commercials and presented them to her family in the living room. Then, as a teenager, she was envied by girls at school because of her ability to anticipate trends. Soshe is sure that she has raw, untapped talent on which she can capitalize.

However, Jenny does not have a portfolio to show. She knows she has prominent abilities she can point out to an employer. Soshe decides to write a list of her transferable skills and personal qualities.

On the list, Jenny includes personal qualities, abilities and skills that she acquired in school and in part-timejobs:


After reflecting on the things that she can offer an employer, she believes that she can succeed if she is given an opportunity. However, other applicants for positions may probablyhave the same or better skills and qualities. So what is going to do? Act out a commercial in the same way as she did in her living room dozens of times? Perhaps the idea is not so crazy. Therefore shedecides to do this: during an interview, she will request an audition. Then, the employer can test her and her competitors by giving them a task to carry out. Using this method, she can demonstrateher creative potential in a concrete way.

La falta de experiencia
Jenny tiene un obstáculo difícil de superar: ella no tiene experiencia profesional en su área de interés. Aunque Jenny se hagraduado recientemente de la universidad con especialidad en Inglés Literatura y Ciencias Políticas, que quiere entrar en el campo de la comercialización.
Ella confía en que se puede aprender el trabajo...
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