Shrum Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Shrum & Glisan.
Current paradigm for instructional planning is based in the new way of planning. Objectives are designed to reflect what students should know and be able to do with the language. The three modes of communication are integrated into lesson design by means of tasks that relate lo larger communication goals or topics and build on one another. Theteacher assumes the role of a facilitator who guides instruction using a wide variety of materials beyond the textbook. Regarding student learning it is proved that creating lessons in 15-20minute components may lead to greater student interest and retention, due to time limits of the learner’s working memory. Students often have more of an emotional investment when they are engaged in simulations,role playing, journal writing, and real world experiences. Teachers can foster the association of positive emotions with learning when they use humor in the lesson and tell stories that enhance understanding.
Bloom’s Taxonomy has been redesign and the new version has the same number of pyramid steps. From the bottom to the top as follows: Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate and Create.Bloom’s taxonomy can be useful for language teachers in many ways. Taxonomy promotes active learning and provides teachers with common language about learning objectives. Helps teacher to understand the level of thinking required by their classroom objectives and activities and helps teachers move to students to higher levels of thinking.
Providing input and selecting content. According to Hall,teacher’s talk has to contain features of comprehensible input, such as simple syntax and multiple rephrasing. He examined a classroom discourse and found that the Lexical chaining, the ‘linking of utterances” through the use of the same or similar words that had no connection to any larger topically related goal. Similarly Toth found that teacher talk negatively affected learners’ ability toparticipate in the conversation activity because it did not contribute to a larger topic or goal-directed agenda. These studies illustrate that in order to facilitate students; communicative development, teacher talk must not only be in the TL, but it also contributes to the development of a topic and a larger communicative goal.
Teacher feedback vs. evaluation.
IRE= teacher initiation, then studentresponse, next teacher evaluation (assessing questions). It may be useful for the teacher for assessing achievement but it leads to mechanical, disjointed talk and limited student involvement. More over it does not lead to use of the TL for interpersonal communication as defined in Standard 1.1 Learners are to acquire the skills necessary to be able to participate in conversations outside theclassrooms. Wells contrasts IRE with IRF, which he defines as the type of classroom communication that focuses on making meaning and extending discourse, not on evaluating responses. IRF= teacher initiation, then student response, last teacher feedback (assisting questions)
How teachers plan to incorporate more IRF and interpersonal communication?
Plan curriculum around interesting topics andcontexts. Provide opportunities for engaging students in meaningful interaction. For warm up, introduce an interesting topic and engage some students in discussion. Students discussing in an open discussion format when different answers and opinions and IRF have a role in a interpersonal exchanging.
Integrating language and content learning.
Another option for contextualizing languageinstruction is to merge language learning with content from other subject areas, disciplines, or cultures. This merging of language and content is at the heart of the Connections and Cultures SFLL goals areas and planning for standards-oriented instruction. Content base on Integrating (CBI),uses the content, learning objectives, and activities from the school curriculum as the vehicle for teaching...
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