Simple Present

Páginas: 8 (1751 palabras) Publicado: 9 de diciembre de 2012
Usamos el Simple Present para hablar de hábitos , rutinas, hechos científicos.


He / She / It + Verb + S (es)
Verbs ending with:
- x | - xes | Mix = mixes |
* Ss | * sses | Miss = misses |
* O | * Oes | Go = goes |
* Ch | * ches | Catch = catches |
* sh | * shes| Finish = finishes |
* consonant - y | * ies | Try = tries |

Paul _studies__ (study) a lot. Mary __does__(do) her homework every day.
The sun __rises__(rise) in the east. Water __boils__ (boil) at 100°C.

I / You / We / They + verb

I __study__ (study) a lot. We__do__(do) our homework.
You __go__( go) on holidays every year. They _study_( study) English.


He / She / It + DOESN’T+ Verb

Paul _doesn’t study__ (not / study) a lot.
Mary __doesn’t do__(not/ do) her homework every day
The sun __doesn’t rise__(not / rise) in the east.
Water __doesn’t boil__ (not / boil) at 100°C.

I / You / We / They + DON’T + verb

I __don’t study__ (not / study) a lot. We __don’t do__(not/ do) ourhomework.
You __don’t go__( not /go) on holidays every year. They _don’t study_( not / study) English.

DOES + he / she / it + Verb ?
Does Paul study a lot? DoesMary do her homework every day?
Does the sun rises in the east? Does water boils at 100°C.?

DO + you / we / they + Verb?
Do I study a lot? Do we do our homework?
Do you go on holidays every year? Do they study English?

Clean my room =limpiar mi cuarto
Do the dishes = lavar los platos
Go to sleep early / late = ir a dormer temprano / tarde
Wake up early / late = levanterse temprano / tarde
Have breakfast / lunch / dinner = Tener el desayuno / almuerzo / cena
Have a shower = tener una ducha
Get dressed = cambiarse
Comb my hair = peinarme
Wash my teeth = lavar mis dientes
Eat junk food = comer comida chatarra
Eathealthy food = comer comida saludable
Cook healthy food = cocinar comida saludable
Go to school = ir a la escuela
Come back from school = volver de la escuela
Do my homework = hacer mi tarea
Do the shopping = hacer las compras
Watch TV at night = mirar tele a la noche
Listen to music = escuchar musica
Play with the computer = Jugar con la computadora
Work at the computer = trabajar con lacomputadora
Go out with friends = salir con amigos
Go on Holidays = irse de vacaciones

a) Answer the following questions (yes/ no) with complete answers

1 ) Do you clean your room?2) Does your mother wash the dishes?3) Do you go to sleep early?4) Do you have breakfast in the morning?5) Do you have a shower at night?6) Does your mother comb your hair? | 7) Do you eat junk food?8 ) Doesyour mother cook healthy food?9) Does your father watch TV at night? 10) Does your father work at the computer?11) Do you go out with friends?12) Does your mother do the shopping? |

b) Write the correct Simple Present form

1) Mary / clean/ her room every Monday.
2) Tom and Paul /not play / with the computer every day.
3) My parents / go / on holidays every year.
4) I /...
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