Sindrome de down

Páginas: 8 (1812 palabras) Publicado: 15 de marzo de 2011

1. Introduction

I choose this Topic because I think that children with Down Syndrome have a difficult life because they don’t have enough attention and also they are discriminated because of their mental retardation (Trisomy G21 or Down Syndrome).

Children with Down Syndrome need a lot of attention, comprehension, care and love from their parents.

Inthe theoretical framework I’m going to talk about the causes of down syndrome, terminology, cognitive development, the three types of mental retardation ,the health problems they have and how parents can handle children with down syndrome in different ways.

2. Justification

I think that it’s a very important topic because in the last years and in our days, a lot of people

3. ProblemParents who have this kind of children don’t have enough information about Down syndrome and the treat they have to give to them.
4. Hypothesis

5. Theoretical framework

5.1 Causes of Down syndrome. - (also Down’s Syndrome) or (transom G-21 ), is a genetic condition resulting from the presence of all or part of an extra 21st chromosome. Down syndrome is characterized by a combination ofmajor and minor abnormalities of baby structure and function.
Among features present in nearly all cases are impairment of learning and physical growth and a recognizable facial appearance, usually identified at birth.
Ninety five percent of people with Down Syndrome ( trisomy G-21) have 47 chromosomes per cell ( they have an extra 21st chromosome). This common type of trisomy is called non-disjunction.

5.2 Terminology

It would be nice if everyone could think of children with Down Syndrome as children first and their disability second. Hence “child with Down Syndrome”.

5.3 Cognitive Development

Cognitive development in children with down syndrome is quiet variable.
Many can be successful in school, while other struggle. Because of variability in expression of downsyndrome, it is important to evaluate children individually. The cognitive problems that are found among children with down syndrome are also found among children without down syndrome.
Children with down syndrome have a wide range of abilities.
Its not possible to predict their capabilities at birth.
Language skills show a difference between understanding speech and expressing speech . It iscommon for children with down syndrome.

5.3.1 Can a child with Down Syndrome go to school ?
r brighter than it once was. More mildly affected, children can learn to read, write and participate in diverse childhood activities both at school and their neighborhoods.

In the actuality exist many special work programs designed for adults with down syndrome, many people with the disorder can holdregular jobs.
Today an increasing number of adults with D.S. live semi-independently in community group homes where they care of themselves, participate in develop friendships and work in their communities.

5.3.2 How serious is the mental retardation?
Mental retardation is a developmental disability that first appears in children under the age of 18. It is defined as a level of intellectualfunctioning (as a measured by standard intelligence tests) that is well below average and results insignificant limitations in the person‘s daily living skills.
The degree of mental retardation varies widely from mild to moderate or to severe.
Most fall within to moderate range and studies suggest that with proper intervention fewer than ten percent will have severe mental retardation .

Thereis no way to predict the mental development of a child with D.S. based upon physical features.

❖ Mild mental retardation
Many of the characteristics of Mild Intellectual Disability (MID) correspond to those of Learning Disabilities. The intellectual development will be slow, however, MID students have the potential to learn within the regular classroom given appropriate modifications...
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