Sistemas operativos

Páginas: 54 (13309 palabras) Publicado: 14 de febrero de 2012

In this lesson, you will learn to: Define operating systems Identify the functions of an operating system Trace the history of the Linux operating system Identify the components of Linux architecture Log on and Log out from a Linux session Use the date command Identify the current users working on the system Find the uptime ofthe system Open the manual pages of the system

Working with the Shell


The Linux Operating System: An Introduction

In this lesson, you will learn to:

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Define operating systems Identify the functions of an operating system Trace the history of the Linux operating system Identify the components of Linux architecture Log on and log out from a Linuxsession Use the date command Identify the current users working on the system Find the uptime of the system Open the manual pages of the system


Working with the Shell

Lesson 1A / Slide 1 of 30


Working with the Shell


Course Overview
This course uses the following components: Demonstrations: The number of demonstrations included in the lessonvaries depending on the depth and complexity of the content covered in the lesson. For example, in the first lesson, which is mostly conceptual, there is one demo giving instructions to log on to the Linux computer and practice a few basic commands. However, in the lessons covering shell scripting, the exhaustive scripting commands and constructs are divided into smaller topics and five demonstrationsare placed at the end of the lesson. CR/SSS: It provides knowledge bytes, tips and tricks, scenario-based best practices, and FAQs. In addition, the CR/SSS contains challenges with trick questions. The group discussion section of the CR/SSS ensures participation of all students in discussing a particular topic related to the lesson. MRs: These are machine room exercises that test the student onthe knowledge gained in the classroom and self-study. This course uses the Deez Telecommunications case study across demonstrations and MRs. Different examples and small case studies are used to explain specific concepts in CR/SSS. The slide show for this course needs to run on the Linux environment because Linux will be installed on the faculty node. To run a slide show on Linux, you need to openthe PowerPoint (.pps) file in Impress and select the Slide Show button. Note that the .pps file cannot run directly in the Linux environment.

Lesson Overview
This lesson is divided into six sections: Operating Systems: Provides an overview of various types of software. In addition, the section introduces the functions of operating system software. Types of Systems: Covers thetypes of systems and distinguishing features of single-user and multi-user operating systems.

Working with the Shell


The Linux Operating System: Covers the origin and history of Linux. In addition, the section outlines the various features and benefits of using the Linux operating system. The Linux Architecture: Covers the components of the Linux operating system including the kernel,shell, and application programs. Various distributors of Linux are also mentioned in the section with additional pointers to Web sites where you can obtain more information. Logging In and Logging Out from a Linux Session: Provides information about how to log on to the Linux operating system and discusses the use of a login name and password as an important security feature. It also discussescommon Linux commands, such as date, man, who, uptime, clear, and info. Initiating a Linux Session: Demonstrates logging onto the Linux operating system and practicing basic Linux commands.

Session Plan and Activities
You need to ensure that there is complete involvement and participation of students in the class. You should encourage discussions in class. For this, you can conduct this lesson...
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