Sketch How Big Is A Foot?

Páginas: 3 (659 palabras) Publicado: 4 de diciembre de 2012
The Apprentice’s Problem

King**Queen**Prime Minister**Chief Carpenter**Apprentice**Optional: Jailer

Storyteller: Once upon a time there lived a King and his wife, the Queen. They were ahappy couple for they had
everything in the world. In fact, the king and queen often said, “We are so happy!”
King and Queen: We are so happy!
Storyteller: However, when the Queen’s birthday camenear the King had a problem. The Queen happily sang,
“My birthday is coming soon!”
Queen: My birthday is coming soon!
Storyteller: The King wondered out loud to himself, “What can I give to someonewho has everything?”
King: “What can I give to someone who has everything?”
Storyteller: The King thought and he thought and he thought. Until suddenly, he had an idea! “I will give the
Queen abed!” he said.
King: I will give the Queen a bed!
Storyteller: The Queen did not have a bed because at the time beds had not been invented. So even someone who had everything did not have a bed. The Kingcalled his Prime Minister and said, “Please have a bed made.”
King: Please have a bed made.
Storyteller: The Prime Minister called the Chief Carpenter and said, “Please have a bed made.”
PrimeMinister: Please have a bed made.
Storyteller: The Chief Carpenter called the apprentice and said, “Please have a bed made.”
Chief Carpenter: Please have a bed made.
Storyteller: The apprentice didn’tknow how big a bed was because at the time nobody had ever seen a bed. “How big is a bed?” he asked.
Apprentice: How big is a bed?
Storyteller: The Carpenter asked the Prime Minister, “How big is abed?”
Prime Minister: How big is a bed?
Storyteller: The Prime Minister thought that was a good question. So, he asked the King, “How big is a bed?”
Prime Minister: How big is a bed?
Storyteller:The King thought and he thought and he thought. Suddenly he had an idea! “The bed must be big enough for the Queen!” he said.
King: The bed must be big enough for the Queen!
Storyteller: The...
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