
Páginas: 9 (2056 palabras) Publicado: 21 de julio de 2012
Republica bolivariana de venezuela
Ministerio del P.P.para la educaccion
U.E Union de naciones (II)
Caracas 15/06/2012

Anorexia and bulimiaEstudent: Sabrina Figuera

4to año HDS



And know

And know


of acuero to include research on each of the issues highlighted in this paper as: the cause and prevent anorexia and as alludar to persons with this problem.

also developed another disease that is carried in the hand such as anorexia bulimia causes problems among other things ...What is Anorexia?

Anorexia nervosa is a chronic disease that reflects a serious problem of feeding behavior, causes weight loss and leads to a state of starvation. There are two types of anorexia:
  Restrictive Anorexia:

When you lose weight by dieting and intense exercise.
  Bulimic Anorexia:

When you turn to weightloss purges, though you have eaten little food. The causes of anorexia have not been clarified at 100%, but experts agree on the presence of three factors, which bring together different facts and behaviors.
  Predisposing factors of Anorexia

Here are grouped phenomena such as low self-esteem, overweight, fear to mature, a family member suffering from an eating disorder because it increases thechances of suffering, the ideals of thinness and prejudice against obesity, poor eating habits, your parents express concern about your weight or over any conflicts that make you think you should eat less and lose weight.
  Precipitating factors of Anorexia

Involve physical changes that occur during puberty, dieting, excessive exercise, not value your body and not be satisfied with yourself,stress, emotional disorders, and so on.
  Perpetuating factors of Anorexia

Include social pressure, social isolation, fear of things like food, weight, shape, or certain foods, and do not value your own body image.
  Manifestations of Anorexia

In your works, restrictive diets do, vomit, using laxatives and diuretics, overt rejection of certain foods, you have obsessive thoughts, accountslies, you exert self-harm, you isolate yourself from your family and friends.

Psychological Manifestations: exhibes an exaggerated concern about fat, you have wrong thoughts about food and your figure, you see your body in exaggerated dimensions, you mistake the feeling of satiety, have trouble concentrating and memorizing things.

Emotional Manifestations: There are changes in your character,overt depressive behavior as crying, insomnia or even suicidal thoughts, almost never are relaxed or comfortable, and can even show certain things phobias.

How do we distinguish a person with Anorexia?

When someone has anorexia, exhibits several characteristics that help identify if you have this disease.

For example, is someone who is extremely thin (cachectic) and shows signs ofmalnutrition, such as skin and hair dry or brittle nails. In the mouth may have thrush, your face is usually yellow or pale, looks gaunt and sunken eyes, palms and soles of the feet has a yellow tint.

Similarly, those who suffer anorexia typically have several erroneous thoughts about how she looks, some of which are very common.

For example:

     "All fats are fattening."

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