
Páginas: 3 (531 palabras) Publicado: 17 de febrero de 2011

Springhill Mining Disaster (U2)
In the town of Springhill Nova Scotia
Down in the heart of the Cumberland mine
There's blood on the coal, and the miners
In roadsthat never saw sun or sky
In the town of Springhill
They don't sleep easy
Often the earth will tremble and roll
When the earth is restless
Miners die
Bone and blood is the price of coalBone and blood is the price of coal

E.J. Russell, The Drummond
Colliery Disaster, 1873


El desastre de Minería del Springhill (U2)
En el pueblo de Springhill Nova Scotia
Abajo deadentro el corazón de la mina Cumberland
Hay sangre en el carbón, y los mineros mienten
En carreteras que nunca vieron toma el sol o cielo
Las carreteras
En el pueblo de Springhill
No duermenfáciles
A menudo la tierra firme temblará y rodará
Cuando la tierra firme está descontenta
Los mineros mueren
El hueso y la sangre es el precio de carbón
El hueso y la sangre es el precio de carbón COMENTARIO

2.-Uso del cianuro en minería

EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION 28.4.2010 on a general ban on the use of cyanide mining technologies in the European UnionRESPUESTA DEL COMISIONADA AMBIENTAL (23 DE JUNIO DE 2010):

“After an in depth analysis of the issue, the Commission considers that a general ban of cyanide in mining activities is not justified fromenvironmental and health point of views. Existing legislation notably on the management of extractive waste (Directive 2006/21/EC) includes precise and strict requirements ensuring an appropriatesafety level of the mining waste facilities. The limit values for cyanide storage as defined in the Directive are the most stringent possible and implies in practice a destruction step of cyanide usedbefore its storage.

“Due to the lack of better (in the sense of causing less impact on the environment) alternative technologies, a general ban on cyanide use would imply the closure of existing...
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