
Páginas: 5 (1028 palabras) Publicado: 27 de octubre de 2012
My partner and I had been together over 25 years. He was 61 at time of death. On the evening of his death we had a huge fight as I just found out he was having an affair with another women. He desperately asked me to forgive him but I was so angry I just did not want to listen to what he had to say. Shortly after we went to bed he got up, took something out of his side chest of tables andwent into the computer room. I waited a little as I calmed down by then and went to see what he was doing. The door of the computer room was slightly opened and I pushed it fully open. He was sitting on a chair with a shot gun between his legs with string attached from his toe to the trigger of the shotgun. Before I could say anything he pulled the trigger with his toe and shot himself in thehead. His whole head and blood was splattered all over me and the room from top to bottom. I screamed and screamed and screamed running outside screaming for help. Nobody heard me. I had to ring the Police but my partner pulled the phone line out of the wall. I grabbed my mobile phone to call them and they came almost immediately. What I saw has absolutely traumatized me and I have terriblenightmares. The worst was I had to pay specialized cleaners to come and clean all the mess and to make it cheaper for myself I assisted them with the cleanup. I had no choice financially. I do blame myself which I know I shouldn- but I keep thinking IF ONLY we did not have that huge fight he would still be alive. My thoughts and emotions are running rampant of what I could have done, what I should havedone, what I should have said and tormenting myself with the why- and the if-. I am angry that nobody wants to help me. I am angry that nobody seems to care. I am angry at him for doing what he did. I am angry that I can- talk about what happened. I am so angry it seems to be consuming me. At least the White Wreath Association -ction Against Suicide has listened to my concerns and totally understandswhat I am going through. I have sent the White Wreath Association a photo of my partner and through them my partner will always be remembered on White Wreath Day-In Remembrance of All Victims of Suicide
This story talks about both, depression and suicide. The father committed suicide because he had a huge fight with her daughter and now her daughter is depress because his father committed suicidebecause of her.
Why do people attempt suicide? As mental health America tells us a suicide attempt is an indication that the persona have big problem in his life. Everyone can commit suicide, rich or poor, young or old, everyone, but what all people have is mental disorder. 30% to 70% of suicide victims had big depressiondisorders. Some symptoms of people considering suicide are:
* Verbal suicide threats such as, “You’d be better off without me.” or “Maybe I won’t be around”
* Expressions of hopelessness and helplessness
* Previous suicide attempts
* Daring or risk-taking behavior
* Personality changes
* Depression
* Giving away prized possessions
* Lack of interest in future plans
Morethan 36,000 commit suicide in the USA every year, that’s why we need to learn how to detect and how to help the person with the symptoms. 50% to 75% of the people that commits suicide give signs or warnings to their peers or family members. To help the person with symptoms, talk and listen to them, make them feel you care about them. Try to don’t argue with them because it can only make it worse andlook for professional help like a physician or an association. If it is a very serious problem, don’t live them alone, remove any thing that she or he can kill their self with, and take them to a psychiatric hospital or call 911.
In Mexico suicide is the third cause of death in the youth. More than 50% of the cases in the last year were from person with ages of 20 and 30 years old and 20% were...
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