
Páginas: 5 (1182 palabras) Publicado: 22 de julio de 2012
Greek philosopher Plato (Athens, 427 - 347 BC). Born into an aristocratic family, left his political vocation by philosophy, attracted by Socrates. He followed it for twenty years and openly confronted the Sophists (Protagoras, Gorgias...). After the death of Socrates (399 BC), departed completely from politics; however, political issues always occupied a central place in his thought, and he cameto conceive an ideal model of State. He travelled in the East and the South of Italy, where he came into contact with the disciples of Pythagoras; He then spent some time prisoner of pirates, until he was rescued and could return to Athens.

Socrates (Athens, 470 BC-ID, 399 BC) Greek philosopher. He was the son of a midwife, fish, and a sculptor, Sophroniscus, related to Aristides the just. Fewthings are known with certainty of the biography of Socrates, apart from the fact that he participated as infantry soldier in the battle of Samos (440), Potidaea (432), Delium (424) and Amphipolis (422). He was a friend of Aritias and Alcibiades, who saved his life.
Tales de Mileto
(Current Turkey, 624 BC-do Miletus?, 548 b.c.) Greek mathematician and philosopher. In his youth he travelled toEgypt, where he learned geometry of the priests of Memphis, and astronomy, which would later teach with the name of astrosofia. He directed in Miletus a nautical school, built a canal to divert the waters of the Halys, and gave successful political advice. It was teacher of Pythagoras and Anaximenes, and contemporaneous Anaximander.

Pythagoras (current island of Samos, current Greece, 572BC.-Metaponto, today disappeared, h. Italy, h. 497 b.c.) Greek mathematician and philosopher. Little news of the biography of Pythagoras may be considered reliable, since their status as founder of a religious sect led the early emergence of a legendary tradition in lathe are to his person.
Anaximenes (? does, h. 588 BC.-?, h. 534 BC) Greek philosopher. Disciple of Anaximander and Parmenides, mostof the details of the biography of Anaximenes and its activities are unknown. According to historian Apollodorus, Anaximenes lived around the time of the taking of Sardis and died before the city of Miletus was destroyed (494 BC). Member of the milesian school, Anaximenes stated that the principle material and first, the origin of all things (arche) was the air, sensitive substance, but that streakin the incorporeal. Explains the origin of all things from a dual process by which air is changed: rarefaction, which gives rise to the fire, and condensation, from which derived the clouds, water, Earth and rocks.Anaximenes (? does, h. 588 BC.-?, h. 534 BC) Greek philosopher. Disciple of Anaximander and Parmenides, most of the details of the biography of Anaximenes and its activities areunknown. According to historian Apollodorus, Anaximenes lived around the time of the taking of Sardis and died before the city of Miletus was destroyed (494 BC). Member of the milesian school, Anaximenes stated that the principle material and first, the origin of all things (arche) was the air, sensitive substance, but that streak in the incorporeal. Explains the origin of all things from a dual processby which air is changed: rarefaction, which gives rise to the fire, and condensation, from which derived the clouds, water, Earth and rocks.
(Mileto, hoy desaparecida, actual Turquía, 610 a.C.-id., 545 a.C.) Filósofo, geómetra y astrónomo griego. Discípulo de Tales, Anaximandro fue miembro de la escuela de Mileto, y sucedió a Tales en la dirección de la misma. Según parece, tambiénfue un activo ciudadano de Mileto, y condujo una expedición a Apolonia (Mar Negro).
Anaximandro se dedicó a múltiples investigaciones, que le llevaron a la afirmación de que la Tierra es esférica y que gira en torno a su eje. También se le atribuye el trazado de un mapa terrestre, además de otros trabajos como la fijación de los equinoccios y los solsticios, y el cálculo de las distancias y los...
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