Team work

Páginas: 4 (764 palabras) Publicado: 27 de octubre de 2010
Learning Experience

PROYECT: Team Work

TEACHER: Mr. Héctor Aguirre Palavicini

STUDENT: César Eduardo Campos Lanestosa

SUBJECT: English

GRADE: 3rd. Semester

GROUP: 3010







Our society wouldnot work without civil engineering. Infrastructure supports our daily life (roads and harbors, railways and airports, hospitals, sports stadiums and schools, access to drinking water and shelter fromthe weather). Because it works, we take it for granted. Only when parts of it fail, or are taken away, do we realize its value.

For civil engineers, solving infrastructure problems in thedeveloping world is just as demanding, as solving problems in the developed world.

They are needed after earthquakes, during droughts and at times of war, to help the local population rebuild or maintainthe conditions that will keep them alive.


Civil Engineering is a profession with importance in the development and progress of cultures.

It aims at planning, design, construction andoperation of civil works such as housing, hospitals, schools, office buildings, works for transportation systems and water works that meet the needs of the population and improve their living conditionsconsidering sound management of the environment.

Teamwork is a group of people cooperating to achieve a single overall result. In workplace, teamwork is essential.

The teamwork has certaindisadvantages for both the organizations and individuals. A common problem is that members face the pressure to conform to the standards of performance and group behavior.

A team building success iswhen your team can accomplish something much bigger and work more effectively than a group of the same individuals working on their own. You have a strong synergy of individual contributions. But...
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