Technology Solution Life Cycle

Páginas: 3 (577 palabras) Publicado: 12 de noviembre de 2012
Technology solution lifecycle
Strategy Based on target market of the organization to define the technology strategy. Based in the e-point model. Cause the union of target market, process andfunctions of the company and how apply technology. Triangle of the SCM functions, the x-net capabilities and market segments to create the e-point tool. Marketing Create online branding Marketing strategycomplementing the organization strategy Branding strategy on creating a new brand or creating a new brand Media planning evaluate and use the best media resources Multiple media creative designcapturing the essence of the organization

Process Reorganization of the models of the process on a logical way Reengineer the process of the company to develop the objectives of the company Identify whatcreate or how innovate on the company process and products Process redesign, revenue/cost impact analysis, assessment of the impact on the extend enterprise Build Physical build of the necessaryinstallation for the new strategy Support the capacity of production based in the strategy projection of grow Development of the necessary software to afford the objectives strategy Use correctly theinternet tools finding on this a new way of knowledge and doing business Manage Can use new software that helps the company to manage the strategies Use manage service providers as a resource applicationservice providers helps to find the perfect software in the development process reduce the cost and the times of the lifecycle process Analize Measure the return from the strategy Establish performanceindicators that help to evaluate the results of the process Compare the initial objectives When we establish and connect good objectives at the beginning of the process we can do a better evaluationof the end results

Caso Peapod

Estrategia Peapod analizo su mercado en el año 1998 tomando en cuenta su mercado objetivo y actual por medio del cual estableció la necesidad de mejorar la...
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