Terapia ocupacional y las drogas

Páginas: 9 (2015 palabras) Publicado: 9 de junio de 2011
Occupational therapy in alcohol and drugs.


Occupational therapy in alcohol and drugs.
Occupational therapy is a discipline that promotes the health ofindividuals.
There are several areas in occupational therapy. Us with this work or with little job we explore the role played by occupational therapy to patients and drug addicts and alcoholics.
This theme is interesting because there are more young people starting out in this world without knowing the effects of these substances. Also people begin drinking at age 13 and drugs such as cocaine at age15.
Occupational therapy initially didn´t play a very important role in this area, but gradually an increasing number of published literatures and the number of people attending our service for treatment.
A typical session of occupational therapy is usually for one hour twice a week, preferably later because in the morning they have to do other activities such as showering, cooking, buyingfood... (AIV)
Patients usually want to participate and heal.
The therapist sets objectives to be achieved during the intervention, we describe the activity, taking to account the tastes and abilities of users, and then we select the materials needed and perform the occupation.
Before ending the session therapeutic dialogue with patients on an individual level and group level
The main objectives fortreatment are:
• improve self understanding, to become more independent, express feelings appropriately
• Improve communication skills (impulse control, learning to listen, help and support, and accept comments from others.
• performance skills (decision making, organization of work ...)
• assist in leisure time (do hobbies, games with the partner ...
Another topic that we treat in this workthey are the drugs, normally the persons who begin with it consumes of alcohol, they submerge in the consumes of another type of substances as the cocaine or the heroine

The occupational therapists live and are employed at a company dominated by the alcohol
The alcohol is a dependence that causes a great number of cardiovascular diseases, and therefore the deathof many persons.
In addition not only it affects the own individual, the family also can be considered to be a victim of the alcoholism. It is for it that the occupational therapists not only we have to support the alcoholic ones, but also to the relatives more close.
The alcohol affect directly or indirectly to the life of the persons, (labor area, familiar area, leisure …), it provokes manydependence, up to such a point that the persons cannot develop his daily life without consuming alcohol.
A great number of alcoholic they look for help to solve his problem. And they are precisely the doctors, the occupational therapists and the psychiatrists the professionals qualified to correct his addiction.
The occupational therapists need to know which are the reasons of this addiction andto be conscious of the effects that it provokes in the users.
Not only they work with adult population if not that the teenagers and the children (syndrome of the fetal alcoholism) also can be affected of this disease.
Many alcoholic mothers drink during the gestation of the baby causing mental delay, physical deformations, and hyperactivity to his son.
It is calculated that 35 % and 50 % ofalcoholic are women, and that at the age of 13 began in the consumption of alcohol.
In the area of the geriatrics also there is population of this type. There are persons who have been drinking alcohol during the all life up to the oldness, but also there are elders that start in the alcoholism later because they have had personal problems.
The occupational therapists have sufficient...
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