The rise of apple

Páginas: 2 (452 palabras) Publicado: 6 de marzo de 2012
Ms. Underwood
COSC 1401
Steve Jobs and the Rise of Apple
Everyone enjoys and takes advantage of technology and its steady progress but not everyone knows the beginning and the storybehind this new lifestyle. The recent death of Steven Paul Jobs (1955-2011) is a reason to think about the technology that we now enjoy. Jobs and Wozniak (friend and co-founder) were part of a group ofcomputer enthusiasts whose focus was building homemade computers and computer chips. The innovative idea of ​​creating electronic equipment and operating systems (hardware-software) is a reason why weoften see on the street and businesses those IPods, IPhones or Macintosh. The creation of Apple Inc. is an example that dreams can become real, although it was a dream for some, is now almost anecessity today for many.
Success and impact of these electronics devices and operating systems in society are undoubtedly important. Apple Inc. is the company founded by Steve Jobs and is responsible forcreating these articles that every day are more people who carry and use them. The aim of creating an operating system focused on home, education, business and professional creativity is the reasonof success of today. One of the most prominent electronic devices of Apple Inc. is the iPhone well known today; the iPhone is a smartphone with all the skills of a phone mobile but the advantages ofhaving a memory, RAM, processor and Wi-Fi. As well as from the first Macintosh created in 1984 until the newly launched IPad on sale in March this year, the growth of apple has been a success and seemsto have a promising future.
Now every time we make use of electronic devices that we enjoy today we can recall the past history of the technology. Every song we hear in our iPod or every movie wesee in our iPad comes from a variety of operating systems developed by Steve Jobs for our comfort. Many important people in the areas of technology such as Bill Gates, Steve Wozniak and even the...
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