Time Alone

Páginas: 3 (722 palabras) Publicado: 7 de mayo de 2012
Time Alone |
English 110N, Final Essay |
Josue Campos |
4/18/2012 |


When we think about time alone we often view it as something impossible. Our society places a high valueon productivity and being busy as a positive trait. Many times we proudly say that we are so busy. There are many positive effects by spending time alone. On the other hand, spending time with peopleand socializing also provides psychological advantages such as better immune function, disease survival, motor skill and cognitive preservation, and increased longevity (Sisson, 2012). As witheverything in life, finding a balance between social interaction and time alone is most effective. I will discuss how time alone encourages reflecting on our own inner desires and self. Time alone also helpsto release stress levels. Lastly, Time alone enhances recall information.
Our lives are so busy and often times we are constantly on the go. Days and months can pass by without thinking about ourgoals and dreams. Time alone can help us connect with our inner most desires, set short and long term goals to live with a sense of accomplishment. When we are alone we are more prone to think aboutthese important things about ourselves. We think about the things we can do to nurture the important relationships in our lives, the actions we need to take to accomplish our dreams that are moresignificant. Furthermore, we think about what is really important to us. When we are alone we recall important information and it has also been proven that students that study alone are able to recallmore information than students that study in groups.
Stress impacts our daily life when we feel that we do not have the time, resources, or experiences necessary to deal with a situation. Our bodiesrelease adrenaline and prepare for a fight when we encounter immediate danger. This adrenaline produces. Taking time alone to breathe can help relieve stress. Breathing techniques can help reduce blood...
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