Tio petros

Páginas: 4 (867 palabras) Publicado: 1 de mayo de 2011
Emotional environment:
Isolda was the causer of unleashing a series of feeling and of emotions that Petros before had never felt, but after the absence of Isolda, Petros I remain totally desolateand it decided to turn into a great mathematician or rather to solve the great problematic one in order to conquer it again.
Petros I realize big studies in importance mathematics finish hismonograph and instrivio in the best clud of chess which are two facts that made it happy.
His emotions of disappointment also met affected when after many attempts there was not solving the great challengewho one had held to fulfill

Ambiente Matemático
Tras descubrir que Petros era un niño súper dotado su padre hizo averiguaciones en Alemania y encontró un gran matemático ortodoxo llamadoProfesor Constantin Caratheodory quien sería el precursor de los estudios obtenidos por Petros en los cuales dieron como resultado la realización de su tesis llamada Método de Palachistos.
Trabajo tambiénen compañía de grandes matemáticos internacionales reconocidos como son G.H. Hardy, J.E.Lilttewood y Srinivasa Ramanujan.
Petros realizo grandes estudios que conllevaron a la realización de muchosTeoremas de gran importancia en el desarrollo de problemas matemáticos y además de terminar su monografía de más de doscientas paginas

Mathematical environment
After discovering that Petros was asuper endowed child his father did inquiries in Germany and there found a great orthodox mathematician called Teacher Constantin Caratheodory who would be the predecessor of the studies obtained byPetros in which they gave like proved the accomplishment of his thesis called Palachistos's Method.
I am employed also at company of big international mathematicians recognized like they are G.H.Hardy, J.E.Lilttewood and Srinivasa Ramanujan.
Petros I realize big studies that they carried to the accomplishment of many Theorems of great importance in the development of mathematical problems and...
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