
Páginas: 5 (1037 palabras) Publicado: 26 de junio de 2011
M.U.G.E.N, (c) Elecbyte 2002
Documentation for version 2002.04.14

Updated 13 November 2001

0. Contents

I. Introduction
II. Running the game
III. The files
IV. Getting started====================================================================
I. Overview

M.U.G.E.N is designed to be a 2D fighting game engine that lets you create your own characters and stages. Oriented towards flexibility, making characters with M.U.G.E.N may initially seem a daunting task, but once you understand the basics, learning the rest of the tricks should comenaturally.

II. Running the game

This is is the default key configuration.

Button Player 1 Player 2
------ -------- --------
Up Up arrow Numpad Up
Down Down arrow Numpad Down
Left Left arrow NumpadLeft
Right Right arrow Numpad Right
X L Numlock
Y semicolon Numpad slash
Z double-quote Numpad asterisk
A comma Numpad -
B period Numpad +
C slash Numpad Enter
Start Enter Numpad PgDn

(a) The Main Menu
Arcade - Go 1 on 1 against the computer
Versus -Go 1 on 1 against your friend
Team Arcade - Play various team-up modes against the computer
Team Versus - Play various team-up modes against your friend
Team Co-op - Gang up against the computer with your friend
Survival - See how long you can last in an endless battle!
Survival Co-op - Play survival mode with your friend as a partner
Training - Try out moves and combos
Watch- Watch AI-controlled characters fight
Options - Set up basic game options
Exit - Returns you to the DOS prompt

For Arcade mode, the key you hit will determine which side you play
on. If you chose with one of Player One's keys, your character will
play on the left side. If you chose with Player Two's keys, you will
start on the right side.

For the "team" modes, youfirst choose what team mode you would like
to play in. Press up/down to choose a mode. Some modes, such as Turns
mode, allow you to set the number of players on a team by pressing
left/right. Press a key to choose an option. In "Team Arcade", after
selecting your players, you have a choice of your opponents' team
mode. These are the different kinds of team modes:
Single - Just you alone.Your character has 2 rounds.
Simul - You and a partner at the same time. Your team has 2 rounds.
Turns - You and up to 3 partners. When one character is KOed, the
next will join in. Each character has 1 round.
The characters' starting life will be adjusted according the number
of players on each side.

Team Co-op is slightly different. The only team mode allowed is
Simul,which is automatically selected. Player One first gets to
select his character, followed by Player Two selecting the partner
character. When Player Two is done, Player One chooses the opponent's
team mode.

In Survival mode, there is an endless stream of opponents. The
objective is to beat as many opponents as possible. The game is over
when your team gets KOed. You can choose to play aloneor in a team.
Single player mode gives you highest hit points and healing (when you
win a round). The more players you have on your team, the less damage
each player can take, and the less each healing you get after each

In Watch mode, first choose the team mode and characters to be on
Player One's side, then do the same for Player Two.

For more information, refer to readme.txt....
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