Triptico d jamaica en ingles y medidas micromundos

Páginas: 3 (593 palabras) Publicado: 25 de mayo de 2011
Capital: kingston

Location: Jamaica is about 160 kilometers (90 miles) south of Cuba and has an area of 10,990 square kilometers (4,243 square miles) and a total coastline of 1,022 kilometers (634miles). Comparatively, the area occupied by Jamaica is slightly smaller than the state of Connecticut. Jamaica's capital city, Kingston, is located on the country's southeastern coast.

Currency:Jamaican dollar

Turist attraction: Montego Bay is a place where history and legend unite; Negril is a unique resort that welcomes guests with a "do-as-you-please" wink of approval; Southcoast-- Off the Beaten Track; Port Antonio is Picture Perfect; Ocho Rios - The Centerpiece of Jamaica.

Famous places: The Doctor's Cave Beach; The Rose Hall Great House; Devon House; Port Royal; TheBlue Mountains; Negril.

People: the people in Jamaica are descended from the African slaves from long ago. Ancestors of other Jamaicans may have been explorers and settlers. As the cities inJamaica grew, more immigrants decided to move to Jamaica. Most immigrants come from China or India. The people in Jamaica wear colorful robes draped over soft linen underneath. They wear this typicalclothing along with hats to match their robes. English is the official language .

Food: Fruit and vegetable. Ackee and saltfish; Bammy ; Blue drawers; Bulla; Corn pone; Cut cake ; Ital food ;Pone; Solomon gundy

Frumbo : fija el rumbo de la tortuga
De: derecha
Iz: izquierda

iz 90
iz 45
de 90
de 135

1.- Frumbo 30
Frumbo 360
Frumbo 125frumbo 30
Frumbo 250

2.- iz 90
Iz 0
Iz 130
Iz 45

3.-de 0
De 90
De 350
De 200

4.- Frumbo 0
De 120
Iz 90
De 100frumbo 90
repite 1[cp fcolor "azul fgrosor 3 ad 50 espera 1]frumbo 0 repite 1[ad 50 espera 1]frumbo 90 repite 1[ad 50 espera 1]frumbo 180 repite 1[ad 50 espera 1]frumbo 90 repite 1[ad 50 espera...
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